
【译】postgresql 扩展工具 监控SQL扩展 pg_stat_kcache

原创 贾勇智 2022-03-25

14.1 介绍

收集有关文件系统层完成的实际读取和写入的统计信息。扩展需要 PostgreSQL >= 9.4. ,并且需要安装 pg_stat_statements 扩展。需要 PostgreSQL 9.4 或更高版本,因为提供的 pg_stat_statements 的先前版本没有公开 queryid 字段。

14.2 安装

该模块可以使用标准 PGXS 基础设施构建。为此,pg_config 程序必须在您的 $PATH 中可用。安装说明如下:

git clone https://github.com/powa-team/pg_stat_kcache.git
cd pg_stat_kcache
make install

PostgreSQL 设置

该扩展现在可用。但是,因为它需要一些共享内存来保存它的计数器,所以必须在 PostgreSQL 启动时加载该模块。因此,您必须将模块添加到您的 postgresql.conf 中的 shared_preload_libraries。您需要重新启动服务器才能将更改考虑在内。由于此扩展依赖于 pg_stat_statements,因此还需要将其添加到 shared_preload_libraries。

将以下参数添加到postgresql.conf 中:

# postgresql.conf
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements,pg_stat_kcache'

重启 PostgreSQL 集群后,您可以在需要访问统计信息的每个数据库中安装扩展:

CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_kcache;

14.3 配置

可以在 postgresql.conf 中配置以下 GUC:

  • pg_stat_kcache.linux_hz (int, default -1): 通知 pg_stat_kcache linux CONFIG_HZ 配置选项。 pg_stat_kcache 使用它来补偿采样错误。默认值为-1,尝试在启动时猜测它。
  • pg_stat_kcache.track (enum, default top): 控制哪些语句被 pg_stat_kcache 跟踪。指定 top 以跟踪顶级语句(由客户端直接发出的语句), all 也跟踪嵌套语句(例如在函数中调用的语句),或 none 以禁用语句统计收集。
  • pg_stat_kcache.track_planning (bool, default off): 控制pg_stat_kcache是​​否跟踪计划操作和持续时间(需要PostgreSQL 13或更高版本)。

14.4 用法

扩展pg_stat_kcache 创建几个对象。


Name Type Description
datname name Name of the database
plan_user_time double precision User CPU time used planning statements in this database, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)在此数据库中计划语句使用的用户 CPU 时间,以秒和毫秒为单位(如果启用 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_system_time double precision System CPU time used planning statements in this database, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中计划语句使用的系统 CPU 时间,以秒和毫秒为单位(如果启用 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中的页面回收(软页面错误)计划语句数(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中的页面错误(硬页面错误)计划语句数(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_nswaps bigint Number of swaps planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中的交换计划语句数(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中文件系统层规划语句读取的字节数(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中文件系统层规划语句读取的 8K 块数(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中文件系统层规划语句写入的字节数(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中文件系统层规划语句读取的 8K 块数(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中发送计划语句的 IPC 消息数(如果启用 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)在这个数据库中接收到计划语句的 IPC 消息数(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_nsignals bigint Number of signals received planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)在此数据库中接收到规划语句的信号数(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中自愿上下文切换计划语句的数量(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
plan_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches planning statements in this database (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)此数据库中非自愿上下文切换计划语句的数量(如果启用了 pg_stat_kcache.track_planning,否则为零)
exec_user_time double precision User CPU time used executing statements in this database, in seconds and milliseconds 用户在此数据库中执行语句所使用的 CPU 时间,以秒和毫秒为单位
exec_system_time double precision System CPU time used executing statements in this database, in seconds and milliseconds 在此数据库中执行语句所使用的系统 CPU 时间,以秒和毫秒为单位
exec_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) executing statements in this database 在此数据库中执行语句的页面回收(软页面错误)数
exec_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) executing statements in this database此数据库中执行语句的页错误(硬页错误)数
exec_nswaps bigint Number of swaps executing statements in this database 此数据库中执行语句的交换数
exec_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer executing statements in this database 文件系统层在此数据库中执行语句读取的字节数
exec_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer executing statements in this database 文件系统层在此数据库中执行语句读取的 8K 块数
exec_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer executing statements in this database 文件系统层在此数据库中执行语句写入的字节数
exec_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer executing statements in this database 该数据库中文件系统层执行语句写入的 8K 块数
exec_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent executing statements in this database 在此数据库中执行语句发送的 IPC 消息数
exec_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received executing statements in this database在此数据库中执行语句接收到的 IPC 消息数
exec_nsignals bigint Number of signals received executing statements in this database在此数据库中执行语句接收到的信号数
exec_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches executing statements in this database在此数据库中执行语句的自愿上下文切换数
exec_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches executing statements in this database 在此数据库中执行语句的非自愿上下文切换数


Name Type Description
query text Query text
top bool True if the statement is top-level
datname name Database name
rolname name Role name
plan_user_time double precision User CPU time used planning the statement, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_system_time double precision System CPU time used planning the statement, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nswaps bigint Number of swaps planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nsignals bigint Number of signals received planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
exec_user_time double precision User CPU time used executing the statement, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_system_time double precision System CPU time used executing the statement, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) executing the statements
exec_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) executing the statements
exec_nswaps bigint Number of swaps executing the statements
exec_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent executing the statements
exec_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received executing the statements
exec_nsignals bigint Number of signals received executing the statements
exec_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches executing the statements
exec_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches executing the statements


重置 pg_stat_kcache 收集的统计信息。可以由超级用户调用:

select pg_stat_kcache_reset();

函数pg_stat_kcache function

此函数是一个集合返回函数,它转储共享内存结构的计数器的包含。该函数由 pg_stat_kcache 视图使用。任何用户都可以调用该函数:

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_kcache();


Name Type Description
queryid bigint pg_stat_statements’ query identifier
top bool True if the statement is top-level
userid oid Database OID
dbid oid Database OID
plan_user_time double precision User CPU time used planning the statement, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_system_time double precision System CPU time used planning the statement, in seconds and milliseconds (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nswaps bigint Number of swaps planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nsignals bigint Number of signals received planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
plan_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches planning the statement (if pg_stat_kcache.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
exec_user_time double precision User CPU time used executing the statement, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_system_time double precision System CPU time used executing the statement, in seconds and milliseconds
exec_minflts bigint Number of page reclaims (soft page faults) executing the statements
exec_majflts bigint Number of page faults (hard page faults) executing the statements
exec_nswaps bigint Number of swaps executing the statements
exec_reads bigint Number of bytes read by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_reads_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks read by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_writes bigint Number of bytes written by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_writes_blks bigint Number of 8K blocks written by the filesystem layer executing the statements
exec_msgsnds bigint Number of IPC messages sent executing the statements
exec_msgrcvs bigint Number of IPC messages received executing the statements
exec_nsignals bigint Number of signals received executing the statements
exec_nvcsws bigint Number of voluntary context switches executing the statements
exec_nivcsws bigint Number of involuntary context switches executing the statements

14.5 更新扩展

请注意,除了 SQL 对象之外的更改需要重新启动 PostgreSQL。大多数新代码将在重启完成后立即启用,无论扩展是否更新,因为扩展只负责在 SQL 中公开内部数据结构。

另请注意,当 set-returning 函数字段发生更改时,需要重新启动 PostgreSQL 才能加载新版本的扩展。在重新启动完成之前,更新扩展程序将失败,并显示类似于以下内容的消息:

在文件 …/pg_stat_kcache.so 中找不到函数“pg_stat_kcache_2_2”

14.6 BUG 和限制


跟踪规划器资源使用情况需要 PostgreSQL 13 或更高版本。

我们假设一个内核块是 512 字节。这对于 Linux 来说是正确的,但对于另一个 Unix 实现可能不是这样。


在没有本机 getrusage(2) 的平台上,除 user_time 和 system_time 之外的所有字段都将为 NULL。

在具有本机 getrusage(2) 的平台上,某些字段可能不会被维护。这是一个依赖于平台的行为,请参阅您的平台 getrusage(2) 手册页以获取更多详细信息。

如果 pg_stat_kcache.track 是 all,则 pg_stat_kcache 跟踪嵌套语句。将跟踪的最大嵌套级别数限制为 64,以保持实现简单,但这对于合理的用例来说应该足够了。

即使 pg_stat_kcache.track 是 all,pg_stat_kcache 视图也只考虑顶级语句的统计信息。因此,即使规划嵌套语句的用户 cpu 时间很高,pg_stat_kcache 视图的 plan_user_time 也很小。在这种情况下,用于规划嵌套语句的用户 cpu 时间计入 exec_user_time。

14.7 作者

pg_stat_kcache 是 Thomas Reiss 的原创开发,大部分代码灵感来自 pg_stat_plans。 Julien Rouhaud 也贡献了扩展的某些部分。

感谢 Peter Geoghegan 为 pg_stat_plans 提供了很多灵感,因此我们可以非常简单地编写这个扩展。

14.8 许可

pg_stat_kcache 是在 PostgreSQL 许可下分发的免费软件。

版权所有 © 2014-2017, Dalibo 版权所有 © 2018-2022, PoWA 团队

最后修改时间:2022-03-25 16:48:46

