其实是可以的,需要先记录下当前密码的hash 值,修改为新的,用完以后再改回来,神不知鬼不觉,风险是anbob真实用户会在这段时间无法登录.
ORACLE在pre-11g,11g, 12c 使用了不同的密码策略, 所以要对应用相应的版本修改.
用alter user identified by values命令很方便
[oracle@orazhang ~]$ ora SQL*Plus: Release - Production on 星期四 9月 22 10:42:07 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options --此时anbob密码是anbob sys@ORCL> select NAME,PASSWORD from user$ where name='ANBOB'; NAME PASSWORD ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ANBOB ACF67A552551E848 sys@ORCL> alter user anbob identified by anbob123; User altered. sys@ORCL> select NAME,PASSWORD from user$ where name='ANBOB'; NAME PASSWORD ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ANBOB 64096627C6DB8EEA sys@ORCL> conn anbob/anbob123 Connected. anbob@ORCL> select 'do something' from dual; 'DOSOMETHING ------------ do something anbob@ORCL> conn / as sysdba Connected. anbob@ORCL> alter user anbob identified by values 'ACF67A552551E848'; sys@ORCL> conn anbob/anbob Connected.
#11g版本 DBA_USERS视图增加了一列PASSWORD_VERSIONS, 记录了当前的密码使用是哪种hash算法, 如果是11G,新的hash值会记录在user$.spare4字段. 如果查之前的dba_user.password将为NULL.
1, SQL> select spare4 from user$ where name='ANBOB'; --remeber the values 2, SQL> alter user anbob identified by [newvalue] 3, SQL> alter user anbob identified by values [#1 spare4 value]
# 记录当前的所有用户密码
select 'alter user '||name||' identified by values '''||password||''';' from user$ where spare4 is null and password is not null union select 'alter user '||name||' identified by values '''||spare4||';'||password||''';' from user$ where spare4 is not null and password is not null; 12c# 版本好像是又增加了密码了新的HASH 算法.
note: 不建议修改基表在生产库中,无论什么时候