最近接触一套110TB数据库前不久因存储坏导致的数据库出现了一些问题, 因库较大客户不同意重建库,前期其他人已在存储恢复后强拉起了数据库,并反应做了如推进SCN , DROP undo segment等。但后期的问题很多,这里只记录一个db alert 中出现的ORA-00600: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [xxxx] 问题,在网上没有找到相似案例及解决方法的资料,多次测试算是还原了该问题并解。
环境是11.2.0.2 2NODES RAC ON AIX
# DB alert log
Sweep [inc][278134]: completed 2016-10-14 09:33:02.360000 +08:00 Errors in file /oradb/diag/rdbms/anbob/anbob1/trace/anbob1_ora_43057606.trc (incident=278135): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [2729136], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. 2016-10-14 09:33:14.078000 +08:00 Errors in file /oradb/diag/rdbms/anbob/anbob1/trace/anbob1_ora_17432728.trc (incident=278123): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [2716688], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. 2016-10-14 09:33:16.666000 +08:00 Errors in file /oradb/diag/rdbms/anbob/anbob1/trace/anbob1_ora_18678206.trc (incident=278124): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [2729136], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. 2016-10-14 09:34:02.958000 +08:00 Sweep [inc][278135]: completed Sweep [inc][278124]: completed Sweep [inc][278123]: completed [oracle@hbltp750u:/home/oracle] sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Oct 14 10:06:31 2016 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options sys@ORCL>@p deferred_seg NAME VALUE ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- deferred_segment_creation TRUE SQL> select object_name,subobject_name,owner,object_type from dba_objects where object_id=2729136; OBJECT_NAME SUBOBJECT_NAME OWNER OBJECT_TYPE --------------------- -------------- ----------------- ------------------ LDR201609 P20160924_23 anbob TABLE PARTITION SQL> select count(*) from anbob.LDR201609 partition(P20160924_23); ERROR at line 1: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [2729136], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] SQL>alter table anbob.LDR201609 modify partition P20160924_23 allocate extent(size 10m); ERROR at line 1: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:ora-600 [25027] [104] SQL> alter table anbob.LDR201609 move partition P20160923_23 ; alter table anbob.LDR201609 move partition P20160923_23 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktadrprc-1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
数据库11g默认的延迟段创建特性是启用的,根据ORA-00600 [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [2729136] 猜测是与延迟段创建相关,并且第一个参数应该是OBJECT_ID, 无论是查询, MOVE, 手动扩展空间都报ora-600 内部错误。
ORA-600 [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg] [A]
ORA-600 [25027] [a] [b]
versions 9.2 and above
Arg [a] Tablespace Number (TSN)
Arg [b] Decimal Relative Data Block Address (RDBA)
In 12c it includes Multitenant information:
Arg [a] 0 if Multitenant is not enabled or 0 if there is not Root CDB session, 1 ROOT PDBID, otherwise PDBID top session
Arg [b] PDBID
Arg [c] Tablespace Number (TSN)
Arg [d] Decimal Relative Data Block Address (RDBA)
ora-600 [ktadrprc-1] due to a data dictionary inconsistency.
根据上面的三个错误,初步判断应该与数据字典不一致相关,并从MOS 上下载hcheck4.sql 检查了一下。
H.Check Version 4.1 --------------------------------------- Catalog Version (1102000200) db_name: WLLT 18-OCT-2016 14:22:04 --------------------------------------- ... .- OrphanedIndexPartition ... 1102000200 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/18 14:47:04 .- OrphanedIndexSubPartition ... 1102000200 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/18 14:47:05 .- OrphanedTable ... 1102000200 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/18 14:47:05 .- OrphanedTablePartition ... 1102000200 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/18 14:47:07HCKE-0020: Orphaned TABPART$ (no SEG$) (Doc ID 1360890.1) ORPHAN TABPART$: OBJ=2716688 TS=104 RFILE/BLOCK=0 0 BO#=2676259 SegType= ORPHAN TABPART$: OBJ=2716680 TS=104 RFILE/BLOCK=0 0 BO#=2676259 SegType= ORPHAN TABPART$: OBJ=2716672 TS=104 RFILE/BLOCK=0 0 BO#=2676259 SegType= ... ORPHAN TABPART$: OBJ=2716528 TS=104 RFILE/BLOCK=0 0 BO#=2676259 SegType= ORPHAN TABPART$: OBJ=2716520 TS=104 RFILE/BLOCK=0 0 BO#=2676259 SegType= ORPHAN TABPART$: OBJ=2729136 TS=104 RFILE/BLOCK=0 0 BO#=2676259 SegType= ...
MOS 中对HCKE-0020: Orphaned TABPART$ (no SEG$) (Doc ID 1360890.1) 该错误的解释
Data in the listed table partition cannot be accessed. There is a deferred segment creation option in 11g which allows a table partition to exist with no segment (until rows are inserted) but this test accounts for such partitions . Hence for reported table partitions they look like they should have a segment attached but do not.
因为数据库未禁用延迟段创建,所以开始觉的这么多的no SEG$ 并不奇怪。如果观察了基表对于延迟段的创建前后,创建表未分配段前是在obj$/partobj$, tab$/parttab$,deferred_stg$中记录,但是不会在seg$中有分配记录,分配段后是delete deferred_stg$,并更新tab$/parttab$, 在seg$中分配记录关连。 在不同的版本中更新可能不同,如有表上存在其它对象,基表修改更多。
anbob@ORCL> create table anbob.tpart(id number, name varchar2(100)) 2 partition by range(id) 3 (partition p_100 values less than (101), 4 partition p_200 values less than(201), 5 partition p_300 values less than(301)); Table created. anbob@ORCL>@o tpart owner object_name object_type status OID D_OID CREATED LAST_DDL_ --------- ------------- ------------------ --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ANBOB TPART TABLE VALID 87860 23-OCT-16 23-OCT-16 ANBOB TPART TABLE PARTITION VALID 87861 87861 23-OCT-16 23-OCT-16 ANBOB TPART TABLE PARTITION VALID 87863 87863 23-OCT-16 23-OCT-16 ANBOB TPART TABLE PARTITION VALID 87862 87862 23-OCT-16 23-OCT-16
H.Check Version 4.1 --------------------------------------- Catalog Version (1102000400) db_name: ORCL 23-OCT-2016 07:04:45 --------------------------------------- Catalog Fixed Procedure Name Version Vs Release Run ------------------------------ ... ---------- -- ---------- --- ... .- PoorStorage ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:46 .- MissTabSubPart ... 1102000400 > 900010000 : n/a .- PartSubPartMismatch ... 1102000400 > 1102000100 : n/a .- TabPartCountMismatch ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- OrphanedTabComPart ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- ZeroIndSubPart ... 1102000400 > 902000100 : n/a .- MissingSum$ ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- MissingDir$ ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- DuplicateDataobj ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- ObjSynMissing ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- ObjSeqMissing ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- OrphanedUndo ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- OrphanedIndex ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- OrphanedIndexPartition ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- OrphanedIndexSubPartition ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- OrphanedTable ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- OrphanedTablePartition ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47.- OrphanedTableSubPartition ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- MissingPartCol ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 .- OrphanedSeg$ ... 1102000400 <= *All Rel* : Ok 10/23 07:04:47 ...
注意到OrphanedTablePartition项并没有打印出我们创建的未分配段的表(延迟段创建特性未禁用,segment未分配)。为什么生产库上就会显示呢? 还是从hcheck.sql脚本开始,我找到那段。
select i.obj#, i.ts#, i.file#, i.block#, i.bo#, s.type# from seg$ s, tabpart$ i where i.ts#=s.ts#(+) and i.file#=s.file#(+) and i.block#=s.block#(+) and i.dataobj# is not null /* A Physical object, Excludes IOT */ and nvl(s.type#,0)!=5 and bitand(i.flags, 65536) != 65536 /* Exclude DEFERRED Segment */; what is mean the seg$.type? /* 1 = UNDO, 2 = SAVE UNDO, 3 = TEMPORARY, 4 = CACHE, 5 = DATA, 6 = INDEX */ /* 7 = SORT 8 = LOB 9 = Space Header 10 = System Managed Undo */
上面如果提示HCKE-0020是因为seg$ 和tabpart$关连后的验证后的结果,最可疑就是seg$.type#和tabpart$.flags。因为目前没办法连问题库,所以只是猜测(后期已确认和模拟的一致).
sys@ORCL>select ts#,file#,block#,flags,bitand(flags, 65536) from tabpart$ where obj#=87861; DATAOBJ# TS# FILE# BLOCK# FLAGS BITAND(FLAGS,65536) -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 87861 4 0 0 65536 65536 sys@ORCL>insert into anbob.tpart values(1,'a'); 1 row created. sys@ORCL> select dataobj#,ts#,file#,block#,flags,bitand(flags, 65536) from tabpart$ where obj#=87861; DATAOBJ# TS# FILE# BLOCK# FLAGS BITAND(FLAGS,65536) -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 87861 4 4 35154 0 0
对比了一下做分配前后flags的变化,分配前是65536,分配后是0. 下面尝试更新flags。 注意以下操作不要在生产库上操作,除非你非常的了解并对自己修改负责。
sys@ORCL>update tabpart$ set flags=0 where obj#=87862; 1 row updated. sys@ORCL>commit; Commit complete. sys@ORCL>alter system flush shared_pool; System altered. Elapsed: 00:00:00.04 sys@ORCL>select * from anbob.tpart partition(p_200); select * from anbob.tpart partition(p_200) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [87862], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] sys@ORCL> select i.obj#, i.ts#, i.file#, i.block#, i.bo#, s.type# 2 from seg$ s, tabpart$ i 3 where i.ts#=s.ts#(+) 4 and i.file#=s.file#(+) 5 and i.block#=s.block#(+) 6 and i.dataobj# is not null /* A Physical object, Excludes IOT */ 7 and nvl(s.type#,0)!=5 8 and bitand(i.flags, 65536) != 65536 /* Exclude DEFERRED Segment */; OBJ# TS# FILE# BLOCK# BO# TYPE# -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 87862 4 0 0 87860 sys@ORCL>alter table anbob.tpart modify partition p_200 allocate extent(size 10m); alter table anbob.tpart modify partition p_200 allocate extent(size 10m) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [25027], [4], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] sys@ORCL>alter table anbob.tpart move partition p_200; alter table anbob.tpart move partition p_200 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktadrprc-1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
# DB alert log
Sweep [inc][278134]: completed
2016-10-14 09:33:02.360000 +08:00
Errors in file /oradb/diag/rdbms/anbob/anbob1/trace/anbob1_ora_43057606.trc (incident=278135):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [2729136], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
2016-10-14 09:33:14.078000 +08:00
Errors in file /oradb/diag/rdbms/anbob/anbob1/trace/anbob1_ora_17432728.trc (incident=278123):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [2716688], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
2016-10-14 09:33:16.666000 +08:00
Errors in file /oradb/diag/rdbms/anbob/anbob1/trace/anbob1_ora_18678206.trc (incident=278124):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [2729136], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
2016-10-14 09:34:02.958000 +08:00
Sweep [inc][278135]: completed
Sweep [inc][278124]: completed
Sweep [inc][278123]: completed
# Call stack in Trace file
----- Abridged Call Stack Trace ----- ksedsts()+888<-kjzduptcctx()+345<-dbkedDefDump()+7127<-dbgexPhaseII()+2017<-dbgexProcessError()+3253 <-dbgePostErrorKGE()+1491<-dbkePostKGE_kgsf()+52< -kgerinv_internal()+49<-kgerinv()+31<-kgeasnmierr()+126
sys@ORCL>create table anbob.tpart_bak as select * from anbob.tpart where 1=0; create table anbob.tpart_bak as select * from anbob.tpart where 1=0 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [87862], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] sys@ORCL>create table anbob.tpart_bak as select * from anbob.tpart partition(p_100) where 1=0; Table created. Elapsed: 00:00:00.14 sys@ORCL> alter table anbob.tpart exchange partition p_200 with table anbob.tpart_bak; alter table anbob.tpart exchange partition p_200 with table anbob.tpart_bak * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktsssun_segment2], [4], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
交换分区无法规避该问题, 下面修正数据字典的flags字段,并测试修改后表操作是否正常。
sys@ORCL>update tabpart$ set flags=65536 where obj#=87862; 1 row updated. sys@ORCL>alter system flush shared_pool; System altered. sys@ORCL>select * from anbob.tpart partition(p_200); no rows selected Elapsed: 00:00:00.00 sys@ORCL>alter table anbob.tpart move partition p_200; Table altered. sys@ORCL>alter table anbob.tpart modify partition p_200 allocate extent(size 10m); Table altered. sys@ORCL>alter table anbob.tpart exchange partition p_200 with table anbob.tpart_bak; Table altered.
因为某些原因数据字典表不一致,导到该表在查询或导出时都会提示ora-600 [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg] 错误,因为数据库使用延迟段创建,手动分配segment时提示ORA-600 [25027],对分区做MOVE时会提示ORA-600 [ktadrprc-1], 使用hcheck脚本检查会提示Orphaned TABPART$ ,然后通过脚本中找到字典的错误,修改数据字典后记的flush shared_pool, 使用RAC 时刷新所有实例shared_pool,并重新登录验证,问题得到解决。生产不建议对基表直接修改,或修改前备份。