

原创 Bethune 2016-02-23
When trying to insert, update, or delete on a table that has at least one trigger on it, that results in ORA-07445 in alert log: ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] There can be various types of call stacks in Call Stack Trace from the trace file. You can find the functions below in the call stack: kglsim_pin_simhp kxsGetRuntimeLock kksfbc opiexe opipls opiodr rpidrus skgmstack rpidru rpiswu2 rpidrv psddr0 psdnal pevm_EXECC pfrinstr_EXECC pfrrun_no_tool pfrrun plsql_run peicnt kkxtexe kxtex1 rpiswu2 kxtexe delrow qerdlFetch delexe opiexe kpoal8 OR kglpnp kxtplt1 kxtlpt kksfbc opiexe opipls opiodr rpidrus skgmstack rpidru rpiswu2 rpidrv psddr0 psdnal pevm_EXECC pfrinstr_EXECC pfrrun_no_tool pfrrun plsql_run peicnt kkxtexe kxtex1 rpiswu2 kxtexe delrow qerdlFetch delexe OR kgskgactive ktuchg ktbchg2 kddchg kdddrp kdddel kaudel delrow qerdlFetch delexe opiexe opipls opiodr rpidrus skgmstack rpidru rpiswu2 CHANGES The error only happens on Sun Operating System x86-64 bit 5.10 and Oracle version or CAUSE This is caused by an OS compiler issue with Sun 5.10, investigated in Sun's unpublished bug 6499691. It is identified by following Oracle bugs that are closed as a Vendor OS Problem: Bug 6620357 Abstract: ORA-7445 [SIGSEGV] WHEN UPGRADING Attempt to insert/update table results in ORA-07445. Bug 5666714 Abstract: ORA-7445 ON DELETE Attempt to delete table results in ORA-07445 Bug 6499995 ORA-07445: [SIGSEGV] ERROR DELETING ROWS FROM A TABLE SOLUTION The possible solutions are: This OS compiler issue is fixed in Oracle release Please see Sun incident 6499691. The problem is with the Compile optimization options.Until the official Sun patch is out, Sun recommends as a workaround to use options "-Wd,-noiropt" in compile line which will disable all optimizations. Oracle Sun confirmed that the fix is included in Sun Studio 11 or higher versions. If you are
