操作系统: Solaris8 数据库版本:
9.2.1 使用vmstat检查系统当前情况
bash-2.03$ vmstat 3 procs memory page disk faults cpu r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s6 s9 s1 sd in sy cs us sy id 0 0 0 5504232 1464112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 4294967196 0 0 -84 -5 -145 131 0 0 5368072 1518360 56 691 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 3011 7918 2795 97 3 0 131 0 0 5377328 1522464 81 719 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 2766 8019 2577 96 4 0 130 0 0 5382400 1524776 67 682 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3570 8534 3316 97 3 0 134 0 0 5373616 1520512 127 1078 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 3838 9584 3623 96 4 0 136 0 0 5369392 1518496 107 924 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2920 8573 2639 97 3 0 132 0 0 5364912 1516224 63 578 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3358 7944 3119 97 3 0 129 0 0 5358648 1511712 189 1236 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3366 10365 3135 95 5 0 129 0 0 5354528 1511304 120 1194 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 3235 8864 2911 96 4 0
Vmstat最常用的两个参数是 t [n]:
t 表示采样间隔
n 表示采样次数
例如:vmstat 5 5,表示在T(5)秒时间内进行N(5)次采样。
$ top last pid: 28313; load averages: 99.90, 117.54, 125.71 23:28:38 296 processes: 186 sleeping, 99 running, 2 zombie, 9 on cpu CPU states: 0.0% idle, 96.5% user, 3.5% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap Memory: 4096M real, 1404M free, 2185M swap in use, 5114M swap free PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME CPU COMMAND 27082 oracle8i 1 33 0 1328M 1309M run 0:17 1.29% oracle 26719 oracle8i 1 55 0 1327M 1306M sleep 0:29 1.11% oracle 28103 oracle8i 1 35 0 1327M 1304M run 0:06 1.10% oracle 28161 oracle8i 1 25 0 1327M 1305M run 0:04 1.10% oracle 26199 oracle8i 1 45 0 1328M 1309M run 0:42 1.10% oracle 26892 oracle8i 1 33 0 1328M 1310M run 0:24 1.09% oracle 27805 oracle8i 1 45 0 1327M 1306M cpu/1 0:10 1.04% oracle 23800 oracle8i 1 23 0 1327M 1306M run 1:28 1.03% oracle 25197 oracle8i 1 34 0 1328M 1309M run 0:57 1.03% oracle
bash-2.03$ ps -ef|grep ora|wc -l 258 bash-2.03$ ps -ef|grep ora|wc -l 275 bash-2.03$ ps -ef|grep ora|wc -l 274 bash-2.03$ ps -ef|grep ora|wc -l 278 bash-2.03$ ps -ef|grep ora|wc -l 277 bash-2.03$ ps -ef|grep ora|wc -l 366
SQL> select sid,event,p1,p1text from v$session_wait; SID EVENT P1 P1TEXT ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------- 124 latch free 1.6144E+10 address 1 pmon timer 300 duration 2 rdbms ipc message 300 timeout 。。。。。。 140 buffer busy waits 17 file# 66 buffer busy waits 17 file# 10 db file sequential read 17 file# 18 db file sequential read 17 file# 54 db file sequential read 17 file# 49 db file sequential read 17 file# 48 db file sequential read 17 file# 46 db file sequential read 17 file# 45 db file sequential read 17 file# 。。。。。。 234 db file sequential read 17 file# 233 db file sequential read 17 file# 230 db file sequential read 17 file# 333 db file sequential read 17 file# 330 db file scattered read 17 file# 310 db file scattered read 17 file# 。。。。。。。 244 rows selected.
对于本案例,我们发现存在大量db file scattered read及db file sequential read等待。显然全表扫描等操作成为系统最严重的性能影响因素。
SELECT sql_text FROM v$sqltext a WHERE a.hash_value = (SELECT sql_hash_value FROM v$session b WHERE b.SID = '&sid') ORDER BY piece ASC /
SQL> @getsqlbysid Enter value for sid: 18 old 5: where b.sid='&sid' new 5: where b.sid='18' SQL_TEXT ---------------------------------------------------------------- select i.vc2title,i.numinfoguid from hs_info i where i.intenab ledflag = 1 and i.intpublishstate = 1 and i.datpublishdate <= sysdate and i.numcatalogguid = 2047 order by i.datpublishdate d esc, i.numorder desc
SQL> set autotrace trace explain SQL> select i.vc2title,i.numinfoguid 2 from hs_info i where i.intenabledflag = 1 3 and i.intpublishstate = 1 and i.datpublishdate <=sysdate 4 and i.numcatalogguid = 3475 5 order by i.datpublishdate desc, i.numorder desc ; Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=228 Card=1 Bytes=106) 1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=228 Card=1 Bytes=106) 2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'HS_INFO' (Cost=218 Card=1 Bytes=106) SQL> select count(*) from hs_info; COUNT(*) ---------- 227404
SQL> col name for a30 SQL> select name,value from v$sysstat 2 where name in ('table scans (short tables)','table scans (long tables)'); NAME VALUE ------------------------------ ---------- table scans (short tables) 828 table scans (long tables) 101
其中table scans (short tables)指对于小表的全表扫描的此时;table scans (long tables)指对于大表的全表扫描的次数。从Statspack的报告中,我们也可以找到这部分信息:
Instance Activity Stats for DB: CELLSTAR Instance: ora8i Snaps: 20 - Statistic Total per Second per Trans --------------------------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ 。。。。。。 table scan blocks gotten 38,228,349 37.0 26.9 table scan rows gotten 546,452,583 528.9 383.8 table scans (direct read) 5,784 0.0 0.0 table scans (long tables) 5,990 0.0 0.0 table scans (rowid ranges) 5,850 0.0 0.0 table scans (short tables) 1,185,275 1.2 0.8
通常,如果一个数据库的table scans (long tables)过多,那么db file scattered read等待事件可能同样非常显著,和以上数据来自同一个report的Top5等待事件就是如此:
Top 5 Wait Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wait % Total Event Waits Time (cs) Wt Time -------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------- log file parallel write 1,436,993 1,102,188 10.80 log buffer space 16,698 873,203 8.56 log file sync 1,413,374 654,587 6.42 control file parallel write 329,777 510,078 5.00 db file scattered read 425,578 132,537 1.30
SQL> @GetParDescrb.sql Enter value for par: small old 6: AND x.ksppinm LIKE '%&par%' new 6: AND x.ksppinm LIKE '%small%' NAME VALUE DESCRIB ------------------------------ ---------- ----------------------------------- _small_table_threshold 200 threshold level of table size for direct reads
SQL> show parameter db_cache_size NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_cache_size big integer 83886080 SQL> select (83886080/8192)*2/100 from dual; (83886080/8192)*2/100 --------------------- 204.8
所以要区分大小表(Long/Short)是因为全表扫描可能引起Buffer Cache的抖动,缺省的大表的全表扫描会被置于LRU的末端,以期尽快老化,减少Buffer的占用。从Oracle8i开始,Oracle的多缓冲池管理技术(Default/Keep/Recycle池)给了我们另外一个选择,对于不同大小、不同使用频率的数据表,从建表之初就可以指定其存储Buffer,以使得内存使用更加有效。
SQL> select index_name,index_type from user_indexes where table_name='HS_INFO'; INDEX_NAME INDEX_TYPE ------------------------------ --------------------------- HSIDX_INFO1 FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL HSIDX_INFO_SEARCHKEY DOMAIN PK_HS_INFO NORMAL
SQL> select index_name,column_name 2 from user_ind_columns where table_name ='HS_INFO'; INDEX_NAME COLUMN_NAME ------------------------------ -------------------- HSIDX_INFO1 NUMORDER HSIDX_INFO1 SYS_NC00024$ HSIDX_INFO_SEARCHKEY VC2INDEXWORDS PK_HS_INFO NUMINFOGUID SQL> desc hs_info Name Null? Type --------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------- NUMINFOGUID NOT NULL NUMBER(15) NUMCATALOGGUID NOT NULL NUMBER(15) INTTEXTTYPE NOT NULL NUMBER(38) VC2TITLE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(60) VC2AUTHOR VARCHAR2(100) NUMPREVINFOGUID NUMBER(15) NUMNEXTINFOGUID NUMBER(15) NUMORDER NOT NULL NUMBER(15) 。。。。。
SQL> create index hs_info_NUMCATALOGGUID on hs_info(NUMCATALOGGUID); Index created. SQL> set autotrace trace explain SQL> select i.vc2title,i.numinfoguid 2 from hs_info i where i.intenabledflag = 1 3 and i.intpublishstate = 1 and i.datpublishdate <=sysdate 4 and i.numcatalogguid = 3475 5 order by i.datpublishdate desc, i.numorder desc ; Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=12 Card=1 Bytes=106) 1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=12 Card=1 Bytes=106) 2 1 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'HS_INFO' (Cost=2 Card=1 Bytes=106) 3 2 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'HS_INFO_NUMCATALOGGUID' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=1 Card=1)
SQL> select sid,event,p1,p1text from v$session_wait where event not like 'SQL%'; SID EVENT P1 P1TEXT ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 pmon timer 300 duration 2 rdbms ipc message 300 timeout 3 rdbms ipc message 300 timeout 6 rdbms ipc message 180000 timeout 59 rdbms ipc message 6000 timeout 118 rdbms ipc message 6000 timeout 275 rdbms ipc message 30000 timeout 147 rdbms ipc message 6000 timeout 62 rdbms ipc message 6000 timeout 11 rdbms ipc message 30000 timeout 4 rdbms ipc message 300 timeout 305 db file sequential read 17 file# 356 db file sequential read 17 file# 19 db file scattered read 17 file# 5 smon timer 300 sleep time 15 rows selected.
bash-2.03$ vmstat 3 procs memory page disk faults cpu r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s6 s9 s1 sd in sy cs us sy id 34 0 0 5343016 1465416 44 386 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3197 8486 2902 92 8 0 31 0 0 5331568 1459696 178 1491 122 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3237 9461 3005 89 11 0 31 0 0 5317792 1453008 76 719 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3292 8736 3025 93 7 0 31 2 0 5311144 1449552 235 1263 69 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 3473 9535 3357 88 12 0 25 0 0 5300240 1443920 108 757 18 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 2377 7876 2274 95 5 0 19 0 0 5295904 1441840 50 377 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1915 6598 1599 98 1 0
procs memory page disk faults cpu r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s6 s9 s1 sd in sy cs us sy id 0 0 0 4955872 1287136 737 6258 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2890 11777 4432 44 12 44 1 0 0 4887888 1256464 809 6234 8 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2809 12066 4247 45 12 43 0 0 0 4828912 1228200 312 2364 13 5 5 0 0 0 2 1 0 2410 6816 3492 38 6 57 0 0 0 4856816 1240168 8 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2314 4026 3232 34 4 62 0 0 0 4874176 1247712 0 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2298 3930 3324 35 2 63 2 0 0 4926088 1270824 34 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2192 4694 2612 29 16 55 0 0 0 5427320 1512952 53 694 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 2443 5085 3340 33 12 55 0 0 0 5509120 1553136 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2309 3908 3321 35 1 64
a. 全表扫描的性能
SQL> select i.vc2title,i.numinfoguid 2 from hs_info i where i.intenabledflag = 1 3 and i.intpublishstate = 1 and i.datpublishdate <=sysdate 4 and i.numcatalogguid = 3475 5 order by i.datpublishdate desc, i.numorder desc ; 352 rows selected. Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=541 Card=1 Bytes=106) 1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=541 Card=1 Bytes=106) 2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'HS_INFO' (Cost=531 Card=1 Bytes=106) Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 25 db block gets 3499 consistent gets 258 physical reads 0 redo size ….. 2 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 352 rows processed
b. 使用索引的性能
SQL> select i.vc2title,i.numinfoguid 2 from hs_info i where i.intenabledflag = 1 3 and i.intpublishstate = 1 and i.datpublishdate <=sysdate 4 and i.numcatalogguid = 3475 5 order by i.datpublishdate desc, i.numorder desc; 352 rows selected. Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=12 Card=1 Bytes=106) 1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=12 Card=1 Bytes=106) 2 1 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'HS_INFO' (Cost=2 Card=1 Bytes=106) 3 2 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'HS_INFO_NUMCATALOGGUID' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=1 Card=1) Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 89 consistent gets 0 physical reads 0 redo size …. 1 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 352 rows processed
consistent gets从3499 到89,我们看到性能得到了巨大的提高.