在Oracle数据库遇到 ORA 错误时,往往会转储出跟踪文件,跟踪文件中抛出的内部函数以缩写形式体现,整理这个函数列表,旨在帮助读者一窥问题本质。
abort ==> No direct match
action ==> No direct match
adbdrv ==> alter database driver
al ==> No direct match
A ==> No direct match
apadrv ==> SQL Access Path Analysis drive access path selection for a sql command
assert ==> No direct match
auddft ==> audit default function
BackgroundThreadStart ==> No direct match
bcb ==> No direct match
BI ==> No direct match
blkchk ==> No direct match
callback ==> No direct match
callstack ==> No direct match
cbk ==> No direct match
CBK ==> No direct match
cFetch ==> No direct match
cfree ==> No direct match
checkTobeofln ==> No direct match
chk ==> No direct match
ci ==> No direct match
cleanup ==> No direct match
c ==> No direct match
copnws ==> No direct match
cur ==> No direct match
data ==> No direct match
dbgdaRunAction ==> diagnostic events ??
dbgdRunActions ==> diagnostic events ??
dbgeEndDDEInvocationImpl ==> diagnostic data extractor Explicitly end a DDE invocation (internal)
dbgeExecuteForError ==> diagnostic data extractor ??
dbgefgHtElValidate ==> diagnostic data extractor ??
dbgePostErrorKGE ==> diagnostic data extractor Post the error for DDE invocation from KGE
dbgexPhaseII ==> diagnostic data extractor phase 2
dbgexProcessError ==> diagnostic data extractor process error
dbkedDefDump ==> RDBMS diagnostic data extractor Dumper do DDE default dump
dbsucf ==> No direct match
dfs ==> No direct match
dixdrv ==> PLSQL apps ??
DoAction ==> No direct match
doTobeoflnAsync ==> No direct match
dpc ==> No direct match
dtbdrp ==> drop table ??
dtbdrv ==> drop table ??
dtsdrv ==> No direct match
dump ==> No direct match
ec ==> No direct match
ehdlcx ==> No direct match
e ==> No direct match
ent ==> No direct match
entry ==> No direct match
exec ==> No direct match
exExplicitEndInc ==> No direct match
exft ==> No direct match
EXIM ==> No direct match
fetch ==> No direct match
file ==> No direct match
f ==> No direct match
fragment ==> No direct match
funlockfile ==> No direct match
gen ==> No direct match
GHPRMALO ==> No direct match
g ==> No direct match
grantlk ==> No direct match
gsignal ==> No direct match
GSIGNAL ==> No direct match
gsp ==> No direct match
half ==> No direct match
handler ==> No direct match
helper ==> No direct match
hrdmain ==> No direct match
identify ==> No direct match
i ==> No direct match
inscovexe ==> insert ??
insdrv ==> insert ??
insexe ==> insert execute
insrow ==> insert Fetch a row for insertion. This is called back by multirow insert
internal ==> No direct match
intl ==> No direct match
int ==> No direct match
io ==> No direct match
ions ==> No direct match
ipclw ==> inter process calls lightweight (exafusion)
kauupd ==> kernel access update update table and modify indexes
kcbapl ==> kernel cache buffers apply (changes to buffer; kcoapl executes changes)
kcbchk ==> kernel cache buffers ??
kcbgcur ==> kernel cache buffers get current read
kcbgtcr ==> kernel cache buffers get consistent read
kcbhxoro ==> kernel cache buffers header xor buffer contents operation
kcblio ==> kernel cache buffers direct io routines ??
kcblrr ==> kernel cache buffers direct io routines ??
kcbnlc ==> kernel cache buffers analyze cleanout
kcbpsod ==> kernel cache buffers ??
kcbshlc ==> kernel cache buffers simulator ??
kcbsod ==> kernel cache buffers simulator ??
kcbzib ==> kernel cache buffers subroutines for kcb input buffer (reads a block from disk into a buffer)
kccida ==> kernel cache controlfile ??
kclcrrf ==> kernel cache lock manager ??
kcldmp ==> kernel cache lock manager ??
kclxle ==> kernel cache lock manager ??
kcoapl ==> kernel cache operation apply (changes to buffer)
kcrfwr ==> kernel cache redo file write/broadcast SCN write redo into the logbuffer
kcrfrgv ==> (kcrf)rgv - kernel cache redo file ??
kcvdbeb ==> kernel cache recovery ??
kcvebk ==> kernel cache recovery ??
kcvucp ==> kernel cache recovery ??
kdccak ==> kernel data cluster ??
kdcgcs ==> kernel data cluster ??
kdcgsp ==> kernel data cluster ??
kdilrub ==> kernel data index load ??
kdkoin ==> kernel data search key ??
kdselget ==> kernel data seek/scan extent ??
kdsfbrcb ==> kernel data seek/scan fetch by rowid. returns a pointer to the row header ??
kdsgrp ==> kernel data seek/scan fetch by rowid get row piece
kdstsnb ==> kernel data seek/scan table ??
kdsttgr ==> kernel data seek/scan table full table scan
kdtgsp ==> kernel data table insert table/cluster insert get space
kdtInsRow ==> kernel data table insert insert a row immediately
kdugetpart ==> kernel data update get partition information for a deleted or opdated row
kdusru ==> kernel data update single row update
kfcLoad ==> kernel automatic storage management cache ??
kfcReadBlk ==> kernel automatic storage management cache ??
kffbScanNext ==> kernel automatic storage management KFF metadata block ??
kffbTableCb ==> kernel automatic storage management KFF metadata block ??
kffilTableCb ==> kernel automatic storage management KFF ??
kfgTableCb ==> kernel automatic storage management diskgroups ??
kfioErrorRecord ==> kernel automatic storage management translation I/O layer ??
kfioRequest ==> kernel automatic storage management translation I/O layer ??
kfioRequestPriv ==> kernel automatic storage management translation I/O layer ??
kfioRqSetDump ==> kernel automatic storage management translation I/O layer ??
kfioRqSetPrepare ==> kernel automatic storage management translation I/O layer ??
kfioSubmitIO ==> kernel automatic storage management translation I/O layer ??
kfioTranslateIO ==> kernel automatic storage management translation I/O layer ??
kgeade ==> kernel generic error add error onto the error stack
kgeadse ==> kernel generic error KGE ADd String Internal Error onto the error stack
kgeasi ==> kernel generic error raise an error on an assertion failure
kgeasnmierr ==> kernel generic error assert named internal error
kgefec ==> kernel generic error ??
kgefic ==> kernel generic error ??
kgepop ==> kernel generic error pop to the current top error frame
kgerelv ==> kernel generic error ??
kgerinv ==> kernel generic error record internal named error with va_list
kgeriv ==> kernel generic error record internal error code with va_list
kgersel ==> kernel generic error ??
kgesev ==> kernel generic error signal error code
kgesinv ==> kernel generic error signal a named internal error signal internal named error with va_list
kgesiv ==> kernel generic error ??
kggchk ==> kernel generic generic lists ??
kgghstfel ==> kernel generic generic lists ??
kgghteAddCB ==> kernel generic generic lists ??
kggmsAddCB ==> kernel generic generic lists ??
kggmsAddPtrCB ==> kernel generic generic lists ??
kghalf ==> kernel generic heap manager non-recoverably allocate a freeable chunk of memory
kghalo ==> kernel generic heap manager main allocation entry point
kghalp ==> kernel generic heap manager allocate permanent memory
kghbshrt ==> kernel generic heap manager ??
kgherror ==> kernel generic heap manager internal error routine
kghfnd ==> kernel generic heap manager find a chunk of memory of at least the minimum size
kghfre ==> kernel generic heap manager free a chunk of memory
kghfrempty ==> kernel generic heap manager free a chunk of memory ??
KGHFRE ==> kernel generic heap manager free a chunk of memory
kghfrf ==> kernel generic heap manager non-recoverably free a freeable chunk of space
kghfrh ==> kernel generic heap manager free heap. free all the extents allocated in the heap using kghalfrx
kghfrmrg ==> kernel generic heap manager free a chunk, merge with neighbors if free returns merged chunk
kghgex ==> kernel generic heap manager get a new extent
kghnerror ==> kernel generic heap manager ??
kghnospc ==> kernel generic heap manager no space available in the heap
kghprmalo ==> kernel generic heap manager find and return permanent chunk of space
kghrst ==> kernel generic heap manager ??
kghssgai ==> kernel generic heap manager ??
kghssgmm ==> kernel generic heap manager ??
kghstack ==> kernel generic heap manager stack
kghstack_alloc ==> kernel generic heap manager allocate pga memory
kghstack_free ==> kernel generic heap manager free pga memory
kghsupmm ==> kernel generic heap manager ??
kghufreetop ==> kernel generic heap manager ??
kghugetuds ==> kernel generic heap manager ??
kgidmp ==> kernel generic instantiation manager ??
KGLDMP ==> kernel generic library cache management dump an object
kgldtld ==> kernel generic library cache management ??
kglget ==> kernel generic library cache management ??
kglgob ==> kernel generic library cache management get an objected locked and pinned
kglhdal ==> kernel generic library cache management heap management ??
kglic ==> kernel generic library cache management ??
kgligi ==> kernel generic library cache management ??
kgllkal ==> kernel generic library cache management lock allocate
kgllkdl ==> kernel generic library cache management lock delete
kgllkds ==> kernel generic library cache management lock delete state object
kglLock ==> kernel generic library cache management ??
kglLockWait ==> kernel generic library cache management ??
kglobld ==> kernel generic library cache management object load
kglobpn ==> kernel generic library cache management object pin heaps and load data pieces
kglpim ==> kernel generic library cache management pin and load more heaps
kglpin ==> kernel generic library cache management pin heaps and load data pieces of an object
kglpur ==> kernel generic library cache management ??
kglshu ==> kernel generic library cache management ??
kgsf ==> kernel generic service ??
kgxSharedExamine ==> kernel generic mutex/communication get in S mode examine
kgxWait ==> kernel generic mutex/communication ??
KillInstance ==> No direct match
kill ==> kernel ??
KILL ==> No direct match
kjblcrcbk ==> kernel lock management global cache service lock table ??
kjblpcr ==> kernel lock management global cache service lock table ??
kjbmpbast ==> kernel lock management global cache service ??
kjbrref ==> (kjbr)ref - kernel lock management global cache service resource table ??
kjcsrmg ==> kernel lock management communication ??
kjctrcv ==> kernel lock management communication ??
kjdrbnftpoll ==> kernel lock management ??
kjfcln ==> kernel lock management ??
kjfcrfg ==> kernel lock management ??
kjfcshut ==> kernel lock management ??
kjmpmsgi ==> kernel lock management RAC multiple LMS ??
kjmsm ==> kernel lock management RAC multiple LMS main action callback
kjmxmpm ==> kernel lock management RAC multiple LMS ??
kjzdicrshnfy ==> kernel lock management DIAG main layer ??
kjzdpcrshnfy ==> kernel lock management DIAG main layer ??
kjzdssdmp ==> kernel lock management DIAG main layer ??
kjzduptcctx ==> kernel lock management DIAG main layer ??
kjzhgigblk ==> kernel lock management DIAG API layer ??
kjzhgigfreep ==> kernel lock management DIAG API layer ??
kkbltrfr ==> kernel compile table lob ??
kkbltrseg ==> kernel compile table lob ??
kkbtrn ==> kernel compile table ??
kkcnrini ==> kernel compile streams advanaced queuing ??
kkcnRstatFind ==> kernel compile streams advanaced queuing ??
kkcnRstatIni ==> kernel compile streams advanaced queuing ??
kkcnsubl ==> kernel compile streams advanaced queuing ??
kkcnsubread ==> kernel compile streams advanaced queuing ??
kkdliac ==> kernel compile dictionary lookup ??
kkdxUpdateColInfo ==> kernel compile ??
kkmdrvend ==> kernel compile SQL semantic analysis ??
kkmdrv ==> kernel compile SQL semantic analysis ??
kkpamFRange ==> kernel compile compilation partitioning ??
kkpamRefGet ==> kernel compile compilation partitioning ??
kkpapbGetRange ==> kernel compile compilation partitioning ??
kkpapGRangeSLvl ==> kernel compile compilation partitioning ??
kkpapiItOpen ==> kernel compile compilation partitioning ??
kkpapItOpen ==> kernel compile compilation partitioning ??
kkqctdrvIT ==> kernel compile query cost based transformation driver initiate cost-based transformation
kkqctdrvTD ==> kernel compile query cost based transformation driver transformation directives
kkqctdrvTE ==> kernel compile query cost based transformation driver ??
kkqdrv ==> kernel compile query query transformation driver
kkqtedrv ==> kernel compile query ??
kkqtedtr ==> kernel compile query ??
kkqteGeneratePreds ==> kernel compile query ??
kkqteParseSqlForPG ==> kernel compile query ??
kkqteTransform ==> kernel compile query ??
kkscls ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) close cursor
kkscsCheckCursor ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) child cursor ??
kkscsSearchChildList ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) child cursor ??
kksfbc ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) find bound cursor
kksFreeHeap ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kksFullTypeCheck ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kkshmih ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) cursor hash table ??
kkslcr ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kkslhsh ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kksLoadChild ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kksLockDelete ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kksLockOperation ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kkslsp ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kksParseChildCursor ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kksParseCursor ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) parse cursor
kksSetBindType ==> kernel compile shared objects (cursor) ??
kktget ==> kernel compile triggers ??
kkxexe ==> kernel compile Programmatic Interfaces to/from PL/SQL execute plsql
kllcqgf ==> kernel loader library ??
kmnsbf ==> kernel multi threaded/mman network ??
koccngt ==> kernel objects cache manager ??
kocdsgt ==> kernel objects cache manager ??
kocgor ==> kernel objects cache manager ??
kohatd ==> (koh)atd - kernel objects heap manager ??
kohdmpins ==> kernel objects heap manager ??
kpcesend ==> kernel programmatic interface streams advanaced queuing ??
kpeDbgCrash ==> kernel programmatic interface ??
kpeDbgSignalHandler ==> kernel programmatic interface ??
kpndbcon ==> kernel programmatic interface OCI ??
kpoauth ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle authenticate
kpoclsa ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle close all cursors
kpodpp ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle direct path load ??
kpofrws ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle ??
kpolnb ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle ??
kponcoord ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle streams advanaced queuing ??
kponemn ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle streams advanaced queuing ??
kponepms ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle streams advanaced queuing ??
kponprmsg ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle streams advanaced queuing ??
kponsnd ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle streams advanaced queuing ??
kpoodrc ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle replaces ttcdrv to handle pisdef in fastpath mode ??
kpoodr ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle replaces ttcdrv to handle pisdef in fastpath mode
kpoopq ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle set keyword value pair
kpooprx ==> kernel programmatic interface oracle ??
kpuexec ==> kernel programmatic interface user execute
kpurcsc ==> kernel programmatic interface user remote call with service context remote call with service context, callbacks
kqlfbctc ==> kernel query library cache ??
kqlfbct ==> kernel query library cache ??
kqlfgx ==> kernel query library cache ??
kqlfxp ==> kernel query library cache ??
kqllod ==> kernel query library cache database object load
kqlnfy ==> kernel query library cache notify
kqrpre ==> kernel query row cache read a parent cache object
krbdgdal ==> kernel recovery backup restore device control ??
krbdrel ==> kernel recovery backup restore device control ??
ksbabs ==> kernel service background processes action based server
ksbcti ==> kernel service background processes call timeout/interrupts
ksbrdp ==> kernel service background processes run a detached background process
kscnfy ==> kernel service system notifications to be passed to components
ksdxcb ==> kernel service debug internal errors ksdx callback for sosd layer signal handler
ksdxfstk ==> kernel service debug internal errors ??
ksedmp ==> kernel service error dump process state
ksedst ==> kernel service error dump call stack
ksedsts ==> kernel service error dump call stack ??
ksefic ==> kernel service error ??
kseinpre ==> kernel service error ??
kserin ==> kernel service error ??
ksesin ==> kernel service error ??
ksfdmp ==> kernel service functions disk IO call the relevant dump routine
ksfdread ==> kernel service functions disk IO read random access file in sync mode
ksfpec ==> kernel service functions io post and event
ksfqxdes ==> kernel service functions io sequential io interface ??
ksires ==> kernel service instance locking release
kskthbwt ==> kernel service resource manager thread begin wait
kslges ==> kernel service lock management get latch spinning in a loop
kslgetl ==> kernel service lock management get latch
KSLGETL ==> No direct match
kslilcr ==> kernel service lock management invoke latch cleanup routine
ksliwat ==> kernel service lock management inner wait function; setup a wait that times out
kslwaitctx ==> kernel service lock management wait for n centi-seconds or until posted wait context; wait until timeout
kslwait ==> kernel service lock management wait for n centi-seconds or until posted
ksmarfg ==> kernel service memory ??
ksmasg ==> kernel service memory callback for allocating an sga extent
ksmshu ==> kernel service memory sga heap instance shutdown final check on sga
ksmugf ==> kernel service memory uga heap release session global memory
ksmuhe ==> kernel service memory uga heap allocate the uga heap using the parent heap specified if state = KSMUGCRE
kspallmod ==> (ksp)allmod - kernel service parameter
ksqdel ==> kernel service enqueue release an enqueue
kssdch ==> kernel service state object delete children of SO
kssdel ==> kernel service state object delete SO
kssxdl ==> kernel service state object delete SO ignoring errors, clean latches
kstdmp ==> kernel service trace (x$trace) ??
ksucln ==> kernel service user cleanup detached process
ksudel ==> kernel service user delete user session
ksudlp ==> kernel service user delete process. called when user deteches or cleanup by pmon
ksugetblocker ==> kernel service user ??
ksuitm ==> kernel service user ??
ksupop ==> kernel service user processes pop (restore) user or recursive call
ksuprc ==> kernel service user processes process object ??
ksuxda ==> kernel service user instance attempt to delete all processes that are marked dead
ksuxdl ==> kernel service user instance delete state object for PMON
ksuxds ==> kernel service user instance acquires the ksupol, the so latch protects access to the sniper bit
ksuxfl ==> kernel service user instance find dead processes and cleanup their latches. called by PMON
ksvrdp ==> kernel service slave management run generic detached slave process
ksxmcln ==> kernel service cross instance ??
ksxpcnhent ==> kernel service cross instance ipc ??
ksxplstdmp ==> kernel service cross instance ipc ??
ksxprcvimd ==> kernel service cross instance ipc ??
ksxpwait ==> kernel service cross instance ipc ??
ksz_cln_proc1 ==> kernel service ??
ktecgetsh ==> kernel transaction extent management concurrency get segment header
ktecgsc ==> kernel transaction extent management concurrency get segment header and auto-convert
ktecgshx ==> kernel transaction extent management concurrency ??
kteinmap ==> kernel transaction extent management information operations return extent map
ktrgcm ==> kernel transaction read consistency common cr read code; build a cr buffer by applying undo
ktrgtc ==> kernel transaction read consistency get a read consistent block and call back client
ktsftcmove ==> kernel transaction segment management file ??
ktspfupdst ==> kernel transaction segment management segment pagetable ??
ktuchg ==> kernel transaction undo called from cache write logs and perform changes
ktudba ==> kernel transaction undo convert from usn to dba
ktugti ==> kernel transaction undo ??
ktugusc ==> kernel transaction undo get undo segment header get undo segment
kwrsrcb ==> kernel ??
kxfprdp ==> kernel execution parallel query process and queue manager run detached process
kxfxmai ==> kernel execution parallel query execution slave process main entry point
kxfxsExecute ==> kernel execution parallel query execution ??
kxfxsp ==> kernel execution parallel query execution open, parse, bind entire DFO
kxfxsStmtExecute ==> kernel execution parallel query execution ??
KXSDUMP ==> kernel execution shared cursor ??
kxsffir ==> kernel execution shared cursor function fire called when the appropriate heap is going away
kxsGetRuntimeLock ==> kernel execution shared cursor get runtime lock
KXSPOAC ==> kernel execution shared cursor ??
kxtiget ==> kernel execution trigger ??
kziavua ==> kernel security identification and authentication ??
lbind ==> No direct match
logical ==> No direct match
LPXFSMSAXSE ==> No direct match
LpxFSMSaxSE ==> xml parser FSM parser ??
LpxMemFree ==> xml parser ??
lxhnmod ==> No direct match
LXUCPSTR ==> No direct match
main ==> general c starting function
Main ==> No direct match
mdrcnccom ==> spatial spatial indexing ??
memcpy ==> No direct match
memset ==> No direct match
metrics ==> No direct match
msg ==> No direct match
msqant ==> No direct match
msqbin ==> No direct match
msqfun ==> No direct match
msqopnws ==> No direct match
msqpfn ==> No direct match
new ==> network ??
ngine ==> network ??
nImpl ==> network ??
n ==> network
nsdo ==> network session execute network session operation. NS protocol engine
nsntwrn ==> network session ??
nspsend ==> network session ??
nttwr ==> network transport tcp/ip ??
ociepacm ==> oracle call interface ??
OCIKDBLinkConn ==> No direct match
OCIKGetConn ==> No direct match
OCIStmtExecute ==> No direct match
onesnap ==> No direct match
ons ==> No direct match
opiaba ==> oracle program interface ??
opicca ==> oracle program interface clear context area
opiclo ==> oracle program interface close cursor
opiDeferredSem ==> oracle program interface ??
opidrv ==> oracle program interface route current request driver, entry side into two task interface
opiexe ==> oracle program interface execute
opifch ==> oracle program interface oracle side of the fetch interface ??
opiierr ==> oracle program interface ??
opiino ==> oracle program interface initialize opi
opimai ==> oracle program interface main
opiodr ==> oracle program interface oracle code request driver, route the current request
opiosq ==> oracle program interface ??
opipls ==> oracle program interface contains opi bundled call executor and support routines
opiprs ==> oracle program interface parse
opirip ==> oracle program interface run independent process. initializes fixed-PGA in RAM and SQL layers.
opiSem ==> oracle program interface semantic analysis driver
opistp ==> oracle program interface stop oracle
opitca ==> oracle program interface sets up context area
opitsk ==> oracle program interface two task function dispatcher
Opixrb ==> No direct match
opixrb ==> oracle program interface ??
oRqSetPrepare ==> No direct match
osmio ==> No direct match
pbmsg ==> PLSQL code execution ??
peicnt ==> PLSQL code execution PL/SQL Controlled execution
PFRFLN ==> No direct match
pfrrun ==> PLSQL Code Execution Interpreter Main Instruction Loop
pitsk ==> PLSQL apps ??
pkrdi ==> PLSQL KG interface ??
plck ==> PLSQL infrastructure ??
poll ==> No direct match
proc ==> No direct match
procports ==> No direct match
psdnal ==> PLSQL infrastructure programmatic interfaces to/from ??
ptdadh ==> PLSQL IDL ??
ptkin ==> PLSQL IDL ??
Qb ==> No direct match
QB ==> No direct match
qcsfccc ==> query compile semantic analysis ??
qcsIsColInFro ==> query compile semantic analysis ??
qcspqbDescendents ==> query compile semantic analysis ??
qcspqb ==> query compile semantic analysis ??
qcsraic ==> query compile semantic analysis ??
qcsridn ==> query compile semantic analysis ??
qcsRslvColWithinQbc ==> query compile semantic analysis ??
qcsRslvName ==> query compile semantic analysis ??
qcsWeakColRslv ==> query compile semantic analysis ??
qerandvFetch ==> query execute rowsource approximate NDV fetch
qerfxFetch ==> query execute rowsource fixed table fetch
qerfxGCol ==> query execute rowsource fixed table get column
qergsFetch ==> query execute rowsource group by sort fetch
qerhjadf ==> query execute rowsource hash join ??
qerhjFetch ==> query execute rowsource hash join ??
qerhjInnerProbeHashTable ==> query execute rowsource hash join ??
qerhjWalkHashBucket ==> query execute rowsource hash join walk a list of pointers in a hash bucket and check for a match
qerjoFetch ==> query execute rowsource nested loop outer fetch from join rowsource
qerjotFetch ==> query execute rowsource nested loop outer join tunneling fetch
qerjotRowProc ==> query execute rowsource nested loop outer join tunneling ??
qerltcFetch ==> query execute rowsource load table conventional main processing function
qerpxFetch ==> query execute rowsource parallel execution fetch
qerpxSlaveFetch ==> query execute rowsource parallel execution ??
qersoFetch ==> query execute rowsource sort fetch from from a sort row source
qertbFetch ==> query execute rowsource table access fetch
qertbItOpen ==> query execute rowsource table access ??
qertbStart ==> query execute rowsource table access ??
qertqoFetch ==> query execute rowsource table queue (px) ??
qerupFetch ==> query execute rowsource update fetch
qervwFetch ==> query execute rowsource view fetch
qesmaIsInterval ==> query execute services partitioning ??
qesmmCGetCurSize ==> query execute services memory manager (pga) ??
qksqbApplyToQbcLoc ==> query kernel sql Query compilation for query blocks - apply to QB local
qksqbApplyToQbc ==> query kernel sql Query compilation for query blocks - apply to QB
qmxiManifestVArray ==> query XDB xml support ??
raise ==> No direct match
rcbq ==> No direct match
rc ==> No direct match
real ==> No direct match
rec ==> No direct match
recv ==> No direct match
reset ==> No direct match
RESET ==> No direct match
rksxp ==> No direct match
rls ==> No direct match
r ==> No direct match
RowTabs ==> No direct match
rpidru ==> recursive program interface setup memory for recursive session
rpidrus ==> recursive program interface setup memory for recursive session recursive program handling
rpidrv ==> recursive program interface recursive program interface driver
rpispl ==> recursive program interface ??
rs ==> No direct match
RunCallback ==> No direct match
run ==> No direct match
rwsfcd ==> row source fetch from rowsource
sd ==> No direct match
segment ==> No direct match
seg ==> No direct match
select ==> select ??
semop ==> No direct match
sendmsg ==> No direct match
send ==> No direct match
servicecssg ==> No direct match
serv ==> No direct match
sfwaitctx ==> No direct match
sigacthandler ==> No direct match
sigactionHandler ==> No direct match
sighndlr ==> No direct match
skdstdst ==> operating system dependent kernel dump a stack trace
skgfrls ==> operating system dependent kernel generic file requests ??
skgmstack ==> operating system dependent kernel generic memory (os dependent) call specified function with extra stack space
skgpwwait ==> operating system dependent kernel generic post/wait wait
SKGXPDMPMEM ==> No direct match
skgxpdmpmem ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxpfragsnd ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxpimcpy ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxpiwait ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxpmcpy ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxpprcrcv ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxprusr ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxpsegsnda ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxpwaiti ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxpwait ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
skgxpxmit ==> operating system dependent kernel generic IPC communication ??
slave ==> operating system dependent call ??
Slmecpy ==> No direct match
SLMECPY ==> No direct match
slmecpy ==> operating system dependent call ??
smboCkaGetPivot ==> operating system dependent memory buffer ??
sndmsg ==> operating system dependent network ??
sqlbind ==> No direct match
sql ==> No direct match
ssexhd ==> operating system dependent system dump routine
sskgpwwait ==> operating system dependent system kernel generic post/wait wait
sspuser ==> operating system dependent system handle SIGUSR2 for Oracle
ssthrdmain ==> operating system dependent system main for every thread in a threaded oracle
stack ==> sort operation ??
start ==> sort operation ??
systemcall ==> No direct match
table ==> No direct match
tables ==> No direct match
tbsdrac ==> No direct match
TDO ==> No direct match
timed ==> No direct match
timeoutBg ==> No direct match
timeout ==> No direct match
ti ==> No direct match
tool ==> No direct match
topsql ==> No direct match
try ==> No direct match
ttcpip ==> two task common pipe read/write
updAfterRowTrigger ==> update ??
updaul ==> update Attempt Update of all rows or Lock all rows
updexe ==> update update execute
updgrh ==> update ??
updrow ==> update Row Procedure used by KXRD to update or lock a row
updThreePhaseExe ==> update ??
upduaw ==> update ??
upirtrc ==> user program interface ??
up ==> No direct match
upseq ==> upsert ??
wait ==> No direct match
watq ==> No direct match
write ==> No direct match
xplFetchRow ==> SQL explain plan ??
xplGetPredicates ==> SQL explain plan ??
xplMakeRow ==> SQL explain plan ??
xplPredToText ==> SQL explain plan ??
xskditalp ==> (xs)kditalp - olap analytic workspace ??
xvmCtxNDStackEnsurePush ==> No direct match