

原创 chirpyli 2023-05-16

这里,我们分析一下索引扫描的过程,以最简单的select * from t1 where a = 100;语句为例,分析一下查询的过程。

postgres@postgres=# \d t1; Table "public.t1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | Indexes: "t1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) -- 顺序扫描 postgres@postgres=# explain select * from t1; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------ Seq Scan on t1 (cost=0.00..15.00 rows=1000 width=8) (1 row) -- 索引扫描 postgres@postgres=# explain select * from t1 where a = 100; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------ Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 (cost=0.28..2.29 rows=1 width=8) Index Cond: (a = 100) (2 rows)



解析层面流程如下: ```c++ exec_simple_query --> pg_parse_query // 生成抽象语法树 --> raw_parser --> base_yyparse --> pg_analyze_and_rewrite // 语义分析,转为查询树Query


simple_select: SELECT opt_all_clause opt_target_list // select * into_clause from_clause where_clause // from t1 where a = 100; group_clause having_clause window_clause { SelectStmt *n = makeNode(SelectStmt); // ...... $$ = (Node *)n; } from_clause: FROM from_list { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; from_list: table_ref { $$ = list_make1($1); } | from_list ',' table_ref { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; // 表示t1 table_ref: relation_expr opt_alias_clause { $1->alias = $2; $$ = (Node *) $1; } where_clause: WHERE a_expr { $$ = $2; } // 表示 where a = 100; | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ;


// select语句的抽象语法树表示 typedef struct SelectStmt { NodeTag type; // 对应select * List *targetList; /* the target list (of ResTarget) */ // 对应 from t1 List *fromClause; /* the FROM clause */ // 保存RangeVar节点 // ...... } SelectStmt; /* * RangeVar - range variable, used in FROM clauses * * Also used to represent table names in utility statements; there, the alias * field is not used, and inh tells whether to apply the operation * recursively to child tables. In some contexts it is also useful to carry * a TEMP table indication here. */ typedef struct RangeVar { NodeTag type; char *catalogname; /* the catalog (database) name, or NULL */ char *schemaname; /* the schema name, or NULL */ char *relname; /* the relation/sequence name */ bool inh; /* expand rel by inheritance? recursively act * on children? */ char relpersistence; /* see RELPERSISTENCE_* in pg_class.h */ Alias *alias; /* table alias & optional column aliases */ int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */ } RangeVar; // 存储表的所在库名,模式名,表名信息 语义分析流程: ```c++ pg_analyze_and_rewrite // 语义分析,生成查询树Query --> pg_analyze --> transformStmt --> transformSelectStmt --> transformFromClause // 处理表, 将RangeVar转为RangeTblEntry --> transformFromClauseItem --> transformTableEntry --> transformTargetList // 处理 * ,展开为a, b --> transformWhereClause // 处理 where a = 100 --> pg_rewrite_query



pg_plan_queries --> pg_plan_query --> planner --> standard_planner --> subquery_planner --> grouping_planner --> query_planner // Generate a path (that is, a simplified plan) for a basic query --> setup_simple_rel_arrays --> add_base_rels_to_query --> build_simple_rel --> generate_base_implied_equalities(root); --> generate_base_implied_equalities_const --> distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels // 选择下推, where a = 100 , 绑定到表t1中 --> find_base_rel --> rel->baserestrictinfo = lappend(rel->baserestrictinfo, restrictinfo); --> extract_restriction_or_clauses --> make_one_rel // Finds all possible access paths for executing a query --> set_base_rel_sizes --> set_rel_size --> set_plain_rel_size --> set_baserel_size_estimates // 选择率计算,计算代价Cost要用 --> clauselist_selectivity // 选择率计算, 会将表以及where a = 100限制条件传进去进行计算 --> clauselist_selectivity_simple --> clause_selectivity --> restriction_selectivity /* Estimate selectivity for a restriction clause. */ --> eqsel --> eqsel_internal --> var_eq_const --> get_variable_numdistinct --> set_base_rel_pathlists --> set_rel_pathlist // Build access paths for a base relation --> create_seqscan_path // 生成顺序扫描路径 --> create_index_paths // 索引扫描路径 --> get_index_paths --> build_index_paths --> check_index_only // 检查是否可以IndexOnlyScan,仅索引扫描 --> make_rel_from_joinlist --> apply_scanjoin_target_to_paths --> create_plan --> create_scan_plan --> create_indexscan_plan --> if indexonly --> make_indexonlyscan else --> make_indexscan


/* Build access paths for a plain relation (no subquery, no inheritance) */ void set_plain_rel_pathlist(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, RangeTblEntry *rte) { Relids required_outer; /* We don't support pushing join clauses into the quals of a seqscan, but * it could still have required parameterization due to LATERAL refs in its tlist. */ required_outer = rel->lateral_relids; /* Consider sequential scan */ add_path(rel, create_seqscan_path(root, rel, required_outer, 0)); // 顺序扫描 /* If appropriate, consider parallel sequential scan */ if (rel->consider_parallel && required_outer == NULL) // 尝试并行顺序扫描 create_plain_partial_paths(root, rel); /* Consider index scans */ create_index_paths(root, rel); // 索引扫描 /* Consider TID scans */ create_tidscan_paths(root, rel); // TID扫描 }


/* ========== * Scan nodes * ========== */ typedef struct Scan { Plan plan; // 指明扫描那个表, Index scanrelid; /* relid is index into the range table */ } Scan; /* ---------------- * sequential scan node * ---------------- */ typedef Scan SeqScan;

其中有个非常重要的函数, 这个函数有个细节,就是IndexOnlyScan,在这里会进行一个判断,是否可以进行IndexOnly扫描,判断条件时target列是否仅索引列,如果满足的话,则可以用IndexOnlyScan。当然前提是enable_indexonlyscan = true。比如下面的语句:

postgres@postgres=# show enable_indexonlyscan ; enable_indexonlyscan ---------------------- on (1 row) -- Index Only Scan postgres@postgres=# explain select a from t1 where a = 100; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Only Scan using t1_pkey on t1 (cost=0.28..2.29 rows=1 width=4) Index Cond: (a = 100) (2 rows) -- 关闭 enable_indexonlyscan后,不能进行 IndexOnlyScan postgres@postgres=# set enable_indexonlyscan = false; SET postgres@postgres=# explain select a from t1 where a = 100; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------ Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 (cost=0.28..2.29 rows=1 width=4) Index Cond: (a = 100) (2 rows)


/* * build_index_paths * Given an index and a set of index clauses for it, construct zero * or more IndexPaths. It also constructs zero or more partial IndexPaths. * * We return a list of paths because (1) this routine checks some cases * that should cause us to not generate any IndexPath, and (2) in some * cases we want to consider both a forward and a backward scan, so as * to obtain both sort orders. Note that the paths are just returned * to the caller and not immediately fed to add_path(). * * At top level, useful_predicate should be exactly the index's predOK flag * (ie, true if it has a predicate that was proven from the restriction * clauses). When working on an arm of an OR clause, useful_predicate * should be true if the predicate required the current OR list to be proven. * Note that this routine should never be called at all if the index has an * unprovable predicate. * * scantype indicates whether we want to create plain indexscans, bitmap * indexscans, or both. When it's ST_BITMAPSCAN, we will not consider * index ordering while deciding if a Path is worth generating. * * If skip_nonnative_saop is non-NULL, we ignore ScalarArrayOpExpr clauses * unless the index AM supports them directly, and we set *skip_nonnative_saop * to true if we found any such clauses (caller must initialize the variable * to false). If it's NULL, we do not ignore ScalarArrayOpExpr clauses. * * If skip_lower_saop is non-NULL, we ignore ScalarArrayOpExpr clauses for * non-first index columns, and we set *skip_lower_saop to true if we found * any such clauses (caller must initialize the variable to false). If it's * NULL, we do not ignore non-first ScalarArrayOpExpr clauses, but they will * result in considering the scan's output to be unordered. * * 'rel' is the index's heap relation * 'index' is the index for which we want to generate paths * 'clauses' is the collection of indexable clauses (IndexClause nodes) * 'useful_predicate' indicates whether the index has a useful predicate * 'scantype' indicates whether we need plain or bitmap scan support * 'skip_nonnative_saop' indicates whether to accept SAOP if index AM doesn't * 'skip_lower_saop' indicates whether to accept non-first-column SAOP */ static List * build_index_paths(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, IndexOptInfo *index, IndexClauseSet *clauses, bool useful_predicate, ScanTypeControl scantype, bool *skip_nonnative_saop, bool *skip_lower_saop) { List *result = NIL; IndexPath *ipath; List *index_clauses; Relids outer_relids; double loop_count; List *orderbyclauses; List *orderbyclausecols; List *index_pathkeys; List *useful_pathkeys; bool found_lower_saop_clause; bool pathkeys_possibly_useful; bool index_is_ordered; bool index_only_scan; int indexcol; /* * Check that index supports the desired scan type(s) */ switch (scantype) { case ST_INDEXSCAN: if (!index->amhasgettuple) return NIL; break; case ST_BITMAPSCAN: if (!index->amhasgetbitmap) return NIL; break; case ST_ANYSCAN: /* either or both are OK */ break; } /* * 1. Combine the per-column IndexClause lists into an overall list. * * In the resulting list, clauses are ordered by index key, so that the * column numbers form a nondecreasing sequence. (This order is depended * on by btree and possibly other places.) The list can be empty, if the * index AM allows that. * * found_lower_saop_clause is set true if we accept a ScalarArrayOpExpr * index clause for a non-first index column. This prevents us from * assuming that the scan result is ordered. (Actually, the result is * still ordered if there are equality constraints for all earlier * columns, but it seems too expensive and non-modular for this code to be * aware of that refinement.) * * We also build a Relids set showing which outer rels are required by the * selected clauses. Any lateral_relids are included in that, but not * otherwise accounted for. */ index_clauses = NIL; found_lower_saop_clause = false; outer_relids = bms_copy(rel->lateral_relids); for (indexcol = 0; indexcol < index->nkeycolumns; indexcol++) { ListCell *lc; foreach(lc, clauses->indexclauses[indexcol]) { IndexClause *iclause = (IndexClause *) lfirst(lc); RestrictInfo *rinfo = iclause->rinfo; /* We might need to omit ScalarArrayOpExpr clauses */ if (IsA(rinfo->clause, ScalarArrayOpExpr)) { if (!index->amsearcharray) { if (skip_nonnative_saop) { /* Ignore because not supported by index */ *skip_nonnative_saop = true; continue; } /* Caller had better intend this only for bitmap scan */ Assert(scantype == ST_BITMAPSCAN); } if (indexcol > 0) { if (skip_lower_saop) { /* Caller doesn't want to lose index ordering */ *skip_lower_saop = true; continue; } found_lower_saop_clause = true; } } /* OK to include this clause */ index_clauses = lappend(index_clauses, iclause); outer_relids = bms_add_members(outer_relids, rinfo->clause_relids); } /* * If no clauses match the first index column, check for amoptionalkey * restriction. We can't generate a scan over an index with * amoptionalkey = false unless there's at least one index clause. * (When working on columns after the first, this test cannot fail. It * is always okay for columns after the first to not have any * clauses.) */ if (index_clauses == NIL && !index->amoptionalkey) return NIL; } /* We do not want the index's rel itself listed in outer_relids */ outer_relids = bms_del_member(outer_relids, rel->relid); /* Enforce convention that outer_relids is exactly NULL if empty */ if (bms_is_empty(outer_relids)) outer_relids = NULL; /* Compute loop_count for cost estimation purposes */ loop_count = get_loop_count(root, rel->relid, outer_relids); /* * 2. Compute pathkeys describing index's ordering, if any, then see how * many of them are actually useful for this query. This is not relevant * if we are only trying to build bitmap indexscans, nor if we have to * assume the scan is unordered. */ pathkeys_possibly_useful = (scantype != ST_BITMAPSCAN && !found_lower_saop_clause && has_useful_pathkeys(root, rel)); index_is_ordered = (index->sortopfamily != NULL); if (index_is_ordered && pathkeys_possibly_useful) { index_pathkeys = build_index_pathkeys(root, index, ForwardScanDirection); useful_pathkeys = truncate_useless_pathkeys(root, rel, index_pathkeys); orderbyclauses = NIL; orderbyclausecols = NIL; } else if (index->amcanorderbyop && pathkeys_possibly_useful) { /* see if we can generate ordering operators for query_pathkeys */ match_pathkeys_to_index(index, root->query_pathkeys, &orderbyclauses, &orderbyclausecols); if (orderbyclauses) useful_pathkeys = root->query_pathkeys; else useful_pathkeys = NIL; } else { useful_pathkeys = NIL; orderbyclauses = NIL; orderbyclausecols = NIL; } // 这里非常重要,检查是否可以进行index-only scan /* * 3. Check if an index-only scan is possible. If we're not building * plain indexscans, this isn't relevant since bitmap scans don't support * index data retrieval anyway. */ index_only_scan = (scantype != ST_BITMAPSCAN && check_index_only(rel, index)); /* * 4. Generate an indexscan path if there are relevant restriction clauses * in the current clauses, OR the index ordering is potentially useful for * later merging or final output ordering, OR the index has a useful * predicate, OR an index-only scan is possible. */ if (index_clauses != NIL || useful_pathkeys != NIL || useful_predicate || index_only_scan) { ipath = create_index_path(root, index, index_clauses, orderbyclauses, orderbyclausecols, useful_pathkeys, index_is_ordered ? ForwardScanDirection : NoMovementScanDirection, index_only_scan, outer_relids, loop_count, false); result = lappend(result, ipath); /* * If appropriate, consider parallel index scan. We don't allow * parallel index scan for bitmap index scans. */ if (index->amcanparallel && rel->consider_parallel && outer_relids == NULL && scantype != ST_BITMAPSCAN) { ipath = create_index_path(root, index, index_clauses, orderbyclauses, orderbyclausecols, useful_pathkeys, index_is_ordered ? ForwardScanDirection : NoMovementScanDirection, index_only_scan, outer_relids, loop_count, true); /* * if, after costing the path, we find that it's not worth using * parallel workers, just free it. */ if (ipath->path.parallel_workers > 0) add_partial_path(rel, (Path *) ipath); else pfree(ipath); } } /* * 5. If the index is ordered, a backwards scan might be interesting. */ if (index_is_ordered && pathkeys_possibly_useful) { index_pathkeys = build_index_pathkeys(root, index, BackwardScanDirection); useful_pathkeys = truncate_useless_pathkeys(root, rel, index_pathkeys); if (useful_pathkeys != NIL) { ipath = create_index_path(root, index, index_clauses, NIL, NIL, useful_pathkeys, BackwardScanDirection, index_only_scan, outer_relids, loop_count, false); result = lappend(result, ipath); /* If appropriate, consider parallel index scan */ if (index->amcanparallel && rel->consider_parallel && outer_relids == NULL && scantype != ST_BITMAPSCAN) { ipath = create_index_path(root, index, index_clauses, NIL, NIL, useful_pathkeys, BackwardScanDirection, index_only_scan, outer_relids, loop_count, true); /* * if, after costing the path, we find that it's not worth * using parallel workers, just free it. */ if (ipath->path.parallel_workers > 0) add_partial_path(rel, (Path *) ipath); else pfree(ipath); } } } return result; }



PortalStart --> ExecutorStart --> InitPlan --> ExecInitIndexScan PortalRun --> ExecutorRun --> ExecutePlan --> ExecIndexScan --> ExecScan --> ExecScanFetch --> IndexNext --> index_beginscan --> index_beginscan_internal --> btbeginscan //start a scan on a btree index --> table_index_fetch_begin --> heapam_index_fetch_begin --> index_getnext_slot --> index_getnext_tid --> btgettuple PortalDrop


/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecIndexScan(node) * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * ExecIndexScan(PlanState *pstate) { IndexScanState *node = castNode(IndexScanState, pstate); /* * If we have runtime keys and they've not already been set up, do it now. */ if (node->iss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0 && !node->iss_RuntimeKeysReady) ExecReScan((PlanState *) node); if (node->iss_NumOrderByKeys > 0) return ExecScan(&node->ss, (ExecScanAccessMtd) IndexNextWithReorder, (ExecScanRecheckMtd) IndexRecheck); else return ExecScan(&node->ss, (ExecScanAccessMtd) IndexNext, (ExecScanRecheckMtd) IndexRecheck); } /* * ExecScanFetch -- check interrupts & fetch next potential tuple * * This routine is concerned with substituting a test tuple if we are * inside an EvalPlanQual recheck. If we aren't, just execute * the access method's next-tuple routine. */ static inline TupleTableSlot *ExecScanFetch(ScanState *node, ExecScanAccessMtd accessMtd, ExecScanRecheckMtd recheckMtd) { EState *estate = node->ps.state; if (estate->es_epq_active != NULL) { // ... } /* Run the node-type-specific access method function to get the next tuple */ return (*accessMtd) (node); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * IndexNext * * Retrieve a tuple from the IndexScan node's currentRelation * using the index specified in the IndexScanState information. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot *IndexNext(IndexScanState *node) { EState *estate; ExprContext *econtext; ScanDirection direction; IndexScanDesc scandesc; TupleTableSlot *slot; /* extract necessary information from index scan node */ estate = node->ss.ps.state; direction = estate->es_direction; /* flip direction if this is an overall backward scan */ if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(((IndexScan *) node->ss.ps.plan)->indexorderdir)) { if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction)) direction = BackwardScanDirection; else if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(direction)) direction = ForwardScanDirection; } scandesc = node->iss_ScanDesc; econtext = node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext; slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot; if (scandesc == NULL) { /* * We reach here if the index scan is not parallel, or if we're * serially executing an index scan that was planned to be parallel. */ scandesc = index_beginscan(node->ss.ss_currentRelation, node->iss_RelationDesc, estate->es_snapshot, node->iss_NumScanKeys, node->iss_NumOrderByKeys); node->iss_ScanDesc = scandesc; /* * If no run-time keys to calculate or they are ready, go ahead and * pass the scankeys to the index AM. */ if (node->iss_NumRuntimeKeys == 0 || node->iss_RuntimeKeysReady) index_rescan(scandesc, node->iss_ScanKeys, node->iss_NumScanKeys, node->iss_OrderByKeys, node->iss_NumOrderByKeys); } /* ok, now that we have what we need, fetch the next tuple. */ while (index_getnext_slot(scandesc, direction, slot)) { CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* If the index was lossy, we have to recheck the index quals using the fetched tuple. */ if (scandesc->xs_recheck) { econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot; if (!ExecQualAndReset(node->indexqualorig, econtext)) { /* Fails recheck, so drop it and loop back for another */ InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1); continue; } } return slot; } /* if we get here it means the index scan failed so we are at the end of the scan.. */ node->iss_ReachedEnd = true; return ExecClearTuple(slot); }


/* Descriptor for heap table scans.*/ typedef struct HeapScanDescData { TableScanDescData rs_base; /* AM independent part of the descriptor */ /* state set up at initscan time */ BlockNumber rs_nblocks; /* total number of blocks in rel */ BlockNumber rs_startblock; /* block # to start at */ BlockNumber rs_numblocks; /* max number of blocks to scan */ /* rs_numblocks is usually InvalidBlockNumber, meaning "scan whole rel" */ /* scan current state */ bool rs_inited; /* false = scan not init'd yet */ BlockNumber rs_cblock; /* current block # in scan, if any */ Buffer rs_cbuf; /* current buffer in scan, if any */ /* NB: if rs_cbuf is not InvalidBuffer, we hold a pin on that buffer */ /* rs_numblocks is usually InvalidBlockNumber, meaning "scan whole rel" */ BufferAccessStrategy rs_strategy; /* access strategy for reads */ HeapTupleData rs_ctup; /* current tuple in scan, if any */ /* these fields only used in page-at-a-time mode and for bitmap scans */ int rs_cindex; /* current tuple's index in vistuples */ int rs_ntuples; /* number of visible tuples on page */ OffsetNumber rs_vistuples[MaxHeapTuplesPerPage]; /* their offsets */ } HeapScanDescData; typedef struct HeapScanDescData *HeapScanDesc;


/* btgettuple() -- Get the next tuple in the scan. */ bool btgettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir) { BTScanOpaque so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque; bool res; /* btree indexes are never lossy */ scan->xs_recheck = false; /* * If we have any array keys, initialize them during first call for a * scan. We can't do this in btrescan because we don't know the scan * direction at that time. */ if (so->numArrayKeys && !BTScanPosIsValid(so->currPos)) { /* punt if we have any unsatisfiable array keys */ if (so->numArrayKeys < 0) return false; _bt_start_array_keys(scan, dir); } /* This loop handles advancing to the next array elements, if any */ do { /* * If we've already initialized this scan, we can just advance it in * the appropriate direction. If we haven't done so yet, we call * _bt_first() to get the first item in the scan. */ if (!BTScanPosIsValid(so->currPos)) res = _bt_first(scan, dir); else { /* * Check to see if we should kill the previously-fetched tuple. */ if (scan->kill_prior_tuple) { /* * Yes, remember it for later. (We'll deal with all such * tuples at once right before leaving the index page.) The * test for numKilled overrun is not just paranoia: if the * caller reverses direction in the indexscan then the same * item might get entered multiple times. It's not worth * trying to optimize that, so we don't detect it, but instead * just forget any excess entries. */ if (so->killedItems == NULL) so->killedItems = (int *) palloc(MaxTIDsPerBTreePage * sizeof(int)); if (so->numKilled < MaxTIDsPerBTreePage) so->killedItems[so->numKilled++] = so->currPos.itemIndex; } /* * Now continue the scan. */ res = _bt_next(scan, dir); } /* If we have a tuple, return it ... */ if (res) break; /* ... otherwise see if we have more array keys to deal with */ } while (so->numArrayKeys && _bt_advance_array_keys(scan, dir)); return res; }
