PostgreSQL 12近期发布,新版本中外键和分区表已经完全兼容,可以和普通表一样使用外键约束。
为什么指出这一点:首先分区表首次在PostgreSQL 10 中引入,但是不支持在分区表上创建外键FK;其次,早期表继承功能也不真正支持外键。这就意味着,在PostgreSQL中首次可以在维护引用约束完整性的同时维护大量数据。
CREATE TABLE items ( item_id integer PRIMARY KEY, description text NOT NULL ) PARTITION BY hash (item_id); CREATE TABLE items_0 PARTITION OF items FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 3, remainder 0); CREATE TABLE items_1 PARTITION OF items FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 3, remainder 1); CREATE TABLE items_2 PARTITION OF items FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 3, remainder 2); CREATE TABLE warehouses (warehouse_id integer primary key, location text not null); CREATE TABLE stock ( item_id integer not null REFERENCES items, warehouse_id integer not null REFERENCES warehouses, amount int not null ) partition by hash (warehouse_id); CREATE TABLE stock_0 PARTITION OF stock FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 5, remainder 0); CREATE TABLE stock_1 PARTITION OF stock FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 5, remainder 1); CREATE TABLE stock_2 PARTITION OF stock FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 5, remainder 2); CREATE TABLE stock_3 PARTITION OF stock FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 5, remainder 3); CREATE TABLE stock_4 PARTITION OF stock FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 5, remainder 4);
INSERT INTO stock values (1, 1, 10); ERROR: insert or update on table "stock_0" violates foreign key constraint "stock_item_id_fkey" DETAIL: Key (item_id)=(1) is not present in table "items". --正常情况 INSERT INTO items VALUES (1, 'item 1'); INSERT INTO warehouses VALUES (1, 'The moon'); INSERT INTO stock VALUES (1, 1, 10);
DELETE FROM warehouses; ERROR: update or delete on table "warehouses" violates foreign key constraint "stock_warehouse_id_fkey" on table "stock" DETAIL: Key (warehouse_id)=(1) is still referenced from table "stock". DELETE FROM items; ERROR: update or delete on table "items_2" violates foreign key constraint "stock_item_id_fkey3" on table "stock" DETAIL: Key (item_id)=(1) is still referenced from table "stock".
CREATE INDEX ON stock (item_id); CREATE INDEX ON stock (warehouse_id);