- 自动设置Linux内核参数以达到提高服务器负载能力的目的。这些参数直接影响数据库系统的运行状态,请仅在确认必要时调整。GaussDB 100所设置的Linux内核参数取值请参见配置操作系统参数。
- 自动将集群配置文件、安装包拷贝到集群各主机的相同目录下。
- 集群安装用户、用户组不存在时,自动创建安装用户以及用户组。
- 读取集群配置文件中的目录信息并创建。将目录权限授予安装用户。
- 自动对集群内主机进行时间同步。
- 已完成操作系统预配置的所有任务。
- 用户需确保各个主机上的locale保持一致。
- 检查上层目录权限,保证安装用户对安装包和配置文件目录读写执行的权限。
- 安装包放置的目录中没有其他用户的文件。
- 已按准备软件,获取所需安装软件包。
- 使用root用户执行gs_preinstall命令。
- 使用WinSCP工具,以root用户登录待安装集群的任意主机。
- 创建存放软件包的目录“/opt/software/gaussdb”。说明:
请勿将软件包的存放目录规划到GaussDB 100用户的家目录(/home/用户名)或其子目录下,否则可能导致权限问题。
- 将准备的安装软件包、配置文件“clusterconfig.xml”上传至“/opt/software/gaussdb”目录中。说明:
- 使用PuTTY工具,以root帐号登录存放安装软件包的同一主机。
- 解压缩安装软件包(例如软件包为“GaussDB_100_1.0.0-EULER20SP8-ARM.tar.gz”)。
cd /opt/software/gaussdb tar -zxvf GaussDB_100_1.0.0-EULER20SP8-ARM.tar.gz
[root@plat1 gaussdb]#tar -zxvf GaussDB_100_1.0.0-EULER20SP8-ARM.tar.gz ...... GaussDB_100_1.0.0-CLUSTER-EULER20SP8-64bit.tar.gz GaussDB_100_1.0.0-TOOLS.tar.gz ......
- 解压缩安装脚本文件包。
tar -zxvf GaussDB_100_1.0.0-CLUSTER-EULER20SP8-64bit.tar.gz
- 赋予工具脚本存放目录及其上层文件夹755权限。
chmod 755 /opt/software
- 确认集群各节点root密码一致。当集群各节点密码不一致时,按照以下步骤修改密码。
passwd Changing password for root. New Password: XXXXXXXX Reenter New Password: XXXXXXXX Password changed.
- 进入到工具脚本存放目录。
cd /opt/software/gaussdb/script
- 使用gs_preinstall准备好安装环境。
./gs_preinstall -U omm -G dbgrp -X /opt/software/gaussdb/clusterconfig.xml
- (可选)基于安全考虑,建议执行预安装完成后,将/opt/software目录更改属主为数据库用户,且权限为700。
chown omm.dbgrp /opt/software chmod 700 /opt/software
- 使用gs_preinstall准备数据库集群安装环境的过程中,输入root用户的密码有3次机会,输入安装集群的操作系统用户omm的密码只有1次机会,输错密码超过规定次数则会报相应错误并退出gs_preinstall的执行过程。
- 使用gs_preinstall准备数据库集群的安装环境时,如果返回如下所示告警信息(其中/opt/software/gaussdb/script为工具存放目录),请执行“/opt/software/gaussdb/script/gs_checkos -i A -h plat1,plat2,plat3 -X /opt/software/gaussdb/clusterconfig.xml”(/opt/software/gaussdb为配置文件clusterconfig.xml的存放目录)命令排查告警原因,并对告警项进行修复,避免对数据库集群的安装或安装后的正常使用产生影响。
Warning: Installation environment contains some warning messages. Please get more details by "/opt/software/gaussdb/script/gs_checkos -i A -h plat1,plat2,plat3".
- 使用安全交互模式进行集群环境准备:
- 如果数据库集群安装用户omm在当前集群各节点上不存在,那么使用gs_preinstall准备安装环境时会自动创建安装用户:
plat1:/opt/software/gaussdb/script #./gs_preinstall -U omm -G dbgrp -X /opt/software/gaussdb/clusterconfig.xml Parsing the configuration file. Successfully parsed the configuration file. Installing the tools on the local node. Successfully installed the tools on the local node. Are you sure you want to create trust for root (yes/no)? yes Please enter password for root. Password: Creating SSH trust for the root permission user. Checking network information. All nodes in the network are Normal. Successfully checked network information. Creating SSH trust. Creating the local key file. Successfully created the local key files. Appending local ID to authorized_keys. Successfully appended local ID to authorized_keys. Updating the known_hosts file. Successfully updated the known_hosts file. Appending authorized_key on the remote node. Successfully appended authorized_key on all remote node. Checking common authentication file content. Successfully checked common authentication content. Distributing SSH trust file to all node. Successfully distributed SSH trust file to all node. Verifying SSH trust on all hosts. Successfully verified SSH trust on all hosts. Successfully created SSH trust. Successfully created SSH trust for the root permission user. Pass over configuring LVM Distributing package. Successfully distributed package. Are you sure you want to create the user[omm] and create trust for it (yes/no)? yes Please enter password for cluster user. Password: Please enter password for cluster user again. Password: Creating [omm] user on all nodes. Successfully created [omm] user on all nodes. Installing the tools in the cluster. Successfully installed the tools in the cluster. Checking hostname mapping. Successfully checked hostname mapping. Creating SSH trust for [omm] user. Please enter password for current user[omm]. Password: Checking network information. All nodes in the network are Normal. Successfully checked network information. Creating SSH trust. Creating the local key file. Successfully created the local key files. Appending local ID to authorized_keys. Successfully appended local ID to authorized_keys. Updating the known_hosts file. Successfully updated the known_hosts file. Appending authorized_key on the remote node. Successfully appended authorized_key on all remote node. Checking common authentication file content. Successfully checked common authentication content. Distributing SSH trust file to all node. Successfully distributed SSH trust file to all node. Verifying SSH trust on all hosts. Successfully verified SSH trust on all hosts. Successfully created SSH trust. Successfully created SSH trust for [omm] user. Checking OS version. Successfully checked OS version. Creating cluster's path. Successfully created cluster's path. Setting SCTP service. Successfully set SCTP service. Set and check OS parameter. Setting OS parameters. Successfully set OS parameters. Set and check OS parameter completed. Preparing CRON service. Successfully prepared CRON service. Preparing SSH service. Successfully prepared SSH service. Setting user environmental variables. Successfully set user environmental variables. Configuring alarms on the cluster nodes. Successfully configured alarms on the cluster nodes. Setting the dynamic link library. Successfully set the dynamic link library. Fixing server package owner. Successfully fixed server package owner. Create logrotate service. Successfully create logrotate service. Setting finish flag. Successfully set finish flag. Preinstallation succeeded.
- 如果数据库集群安装用户omm在当前集群各节点上已存在,那么使用gs_preinstall准备安装环境时不再创建安装用户:
plat1:/opt/software/gaussdb/script #./gs_preinstall -U omm -G dbgrp -X /opt/software/gaussdb/clusterconfig.xml Parsing the configuration file. Successfully parsed the configuration file. Installing the tools on the local node. Successfully installed the tools on the local node. Are you sure you want to create trust for root (yes/no)? yes Please enter password for root. Password: Creating SSH trust for the root permission user. Checking network information. All nodes in the network are Normal. Successfully checked network information. Creating SSH trust. Creating the local key file. Successfully created the local key files. Appending local ID to authorized_keys. Successfully appended local ID to authorized_keys. Updating the known_hosts file. Successfully updated the known_hosts file. Appending authorized_key on the remote node. Successfully appended authorized_key on all remote node. Checking common authentication file content. Successfully checked common authentication content. Distributing SSH trust file to all node. Successfully distributed SSH trust file to all node. Verifying SSH trust on all hosts. Successfully verified SSH trust on all hosts. Successfully created SSH trust. Successfully created SSH trust for the root permission user. Distributing package. Successfully distributed package. Are you sure you want to create the user[omm] and create trust for it (yes/no)? yes Installing the tools in the cluster. Successfully installed the tools in the cluster. Checking hostname mapping. Successfully checked hostname mapping. Creating SSH trust for [omm] user. Please enter password for current user[omm]. Password: Checking network information. All nodes in the network are Normal. Successfully checked network information. Creating SSH trust. Creating the local key file. Successfully created the local key files. Appending local ID to authorized_keys. Successfully appended local ID to authorized_keys. Updating the known_hosts file. Successfully updated the known_hosts file. Appending authorized_key on the remote node. Successfully appended authorized_key on all remote node. Checking common authentication file content. Successfully checked common authentication content. Distributing SSH trust file to all node. Successfully distributed SSH trust file to all node. Verifying SSH trust on all hosts. Successfully verified SSH trust on all hosts. Successfully created SSH trust. Successfully created SSH trust for [omm] user. Checking OS version. Successfully checked OS version. Creating cluster's path. Successfully created cluster's path. Setting SCTP service. Successfully set SCTP service. Set and check OS parameter. Setting OS parameters. Successfully set OS parameters. Set and check OS parameter completed. Preparing CRON service. Successfully prepared CRON service. Preparing SSH service. Successfully prepared SSH service. Setting user environmental variables. Successfully set user environmental variables. Configuring alarms on the cluster nodes. Successfully configured alarms on the cluster nodes. Setting the dynamic link library. Successfully set the dynamic link library. Fixing server package owner. Successfully fixed server package owner. Create logrotate service. Successfully create logrotate service. Setting finish flag. Successfully set finish flag. Preinstallation succeeded.
- 仅给当前主机准备好集群安装环境:
plat1:/opt/software/gaussdb/script #./gs_preinstall -U omm -G dbgrp -L -X /opt/software/gaussdb/clusterconfig.xml Parsing the configuration file. Successfully parsed the configuration file. Installing the tools on the local node. Successfully installed the tools on the local node. Checking OS version. Successfully checked OS version. Creating cluster's path. Successfully created cluster's path. Setting SCTP service. Successfully set SCTP service. Set and check OS parameter. Setting OS parameters. Successfully set OS parameters. Set and check OS parameter completed. Preparing CRON service. Successfully prepared CRON service. Preparing SSH service. Successfully prepared SSH service. Setting user environmental variables. Successfully set user environmental variables. Configuring alarms on the cluster nodes. Successfully configured alarms on the cluster nodes. Setting the dynamic link library. Successfully set the dynamic link library. Fixing server package owner. Successfully fixed server package owner. Create logrotate service. Successfully create logrotate service. Setting finish flag. Successfully set finish flag. Preinstallation succeeded.
- 如果数据库集群安装用户omm在当前集群各节点上已存在,那么使用gs_preinstall准备安装环境时不再创建安装用户:
- 如果数据库集群安装用户omm在当前集群各节点上不存在,那么使用gs_preinstall准备安装环境时会自动创建安装用户:
- 解压缩安装脚本文件包。