分别使用Hint 改变执行计划到:
1. 以test_tab1 为驱动表,两个表做Hash Join
2. 以test_tab1 为驱动表,两个表做Nested loop, 其中test_tab2表走inx2_test_tab2 索引
3. 以test_tab1 为驱动表,且test_tab1 同时使用两个index
4. 以test_tab2为驱动表,两个表做merge join
drop table test_tab1 ; create table test_tab1 as select /*+ordered*/ * from all_objects,(select * from dual connect by level < 5); create index inx1_test_tab1 on test_tab1(object_name); create index inx2_test_tab1 on test_tab1(object_type); create index inx3_test_tab1 on test_tab1(object_id); drop table test_tab2; create table test_tab2 as select * from test_tab1 where rownum < 1e4; create index inx1_test_tab2 on test_tab2 (owner); create index inx2_test_tab2 on test_tab2 (object_id); create index inx3_test_tab2 on test_tab2 (object_id,object_name); analyze table test_tab1 compute statistics for table for all indexes for all columns; analyze table test_tab2 compute statistics for table for all indexes for all columns;
select count(*) from test_tab1 a , test_tab2 b where a.object_id = b.object_id and a.object_name = 'TAB$' and a.object_type = 'TABLE' and b.owner = 'SYS';
1、以test_tab1 为驱动表,两个表做Hash Join
select /*+ use_hash(a b)*/count(*) from test_tab1 a , test_tab2 b where a.object_id = b.object_id and a.object_name = 'TAB$' and a.object_type = 'TABLE' and b.owner = 'SYS';
从执行计划中可以看出,第6步做的hash join是TEST_TAB2的两个索引hash join后形成一个视图,inx1_test_tab2是OWNER列,inx2_test_tab2是object_id列,TEST_TAB2表数据过滤后,再与表TEST_TAB1通过object_id做hash join。
2、以test_tab1 为驱动表,两个表做Nested loop, 其中test_tab2表走inx2_test_tab2 索引
select /*+ leading(a b) use_nl(a b)*/count(*) from test_tab1 a , test_tab2 b where a.object_id = b.object_id and a.object_name = 'TAB$' and a.object_type = 'TABLE' and b.owner = 'SYS';
3、以test_tab1 为驱动表,且test_tab1 同时使用两个index
select /*+ leading(a b) index_join(a inx2_test_tab1 inx1_test_tab1 inx3_test_tab1 ) no_index(b INX2_TEST_TAB2 INX3_TEST_TAB2)*/ count(*) from test_tab1 a , test_tab2 b where a.object_id = b.object_id and a.object_name = 'TAB$' and a.object_type = 'TABLE' and b.owner = 'SYS';
ORDERED hint指示Oracle按照表在FROM子句中出现的顺序联接表。Oracle建议您使用leading hint,它比ordered提示更通用。
4、以test_tab2为驱动表,两个表做merge join:
select /*+ leading(b a) no_use_hash(b,a)*/count(*) from test_tab1 a , test_tab2 b where a.object_id = b.object_id and a.object_name = 'TAB$' and a.object_type = 'TABLE' and b.owner = 'SYS';
从官方文档可以了解到,hint指定优化器,指定的表做内连接不用hash join。