18c sql-language-reference
Oracle® Database
SQL Language Reference
18c Version 18.1
February 2019
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference, 18c Version 18.1
Copyright © 1996, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Authors: Usha Krishnamurthy, Mary Beth Roeser
Contributors: Drew Adams, Lance Ashdown, Vikas Arora, Thomas Baby, Hermann Baer, Yasin Baskan, Nigel
Bayliss, Eric Belden, Rajesh Bhatiya, Atif Chaudhry, Nelson Corcoran, Dinesh Das, Mark Dilman, Sudha
Duraiswamy, Yanfei Fan, Mike Gleeson, Laura Solis Gomez, Naveen Gopal, Beda Hammerschmidt, Patricia
Huey, Peter Knaggs, Sriram Krishnamurthy, Andre Kruglikov, Praveen Kumar, Roopesh Ashok Kumar, Bryn
Llewellyn, Yunrui Li, Roger MacNicol, Darshan Maniyani, David McDermid, Jan Michels, Rahil Mir, Gopal
Mulagund, Ian Neall, Padmaja Potineni, Hanlin Qian, Giridhar Ravipati, Prashanth Shantaveerappa, Wayne
Smith, Samarjeet Tomar, Nirav Vyas, Alan Williams, Andy Witkowski, Sergiusz Wolicki, Tsae-feng Yu,
Weiran Zhang
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