Calculation of Tight Bounding Volumes for Cyclic CSG-
Christoph Traxler Michael Gervautz
Institute of Computer Graphics
Technical University of Vienna
Karlsplatz 13/186-2
1040 WIEN
email: traxler@cg.tuwien.ac.at gervautz@cg.tuwien.ac.at
Cyclic CSG graphs are a memory safe representation of objects with a very complex, recursive
structure. This class of objects are defined by CSG-PL-Systems, an adaption of the well known
Parametric Lindenmayer Systems (PL-Systems) to the CSG concept. They are a powerful tool to
model natural phenomena like plants, clouds or fractal terrain but also linear fractals or any objects
with a repetitive structure. CSG-PL-Systems are directly translated into CSG graphs, which are a
proper object representation for ray tracing. A derivation and geometric interpretation of strings is
no longer necessary. Because CSG graphs are as compact as the CSG-PL-Systems the memory
usage is low, so that restrictions of the complexit y of the scene are avoided. To be effici ent as well
it is very important to adapt conventional optimization techniques to CSG graphs. For CSG trees a
hierarchy of bounding volumes is buildt up by a simple recursive algorithm. A straight forward
transition of this algorithm to CSG graphs yields to very huge and thus useless bounding volumes.
In this paper we introduce an algorithm which calculates tight bounding volumes for the nodes of
cyclic CSG graphs. This method can also be applied to CSG trees with explicit transformation
nodes or CSG dags.
Key Words: CSG Graphs, Bounding Volumes, Ray Tracing
This project is supported by the “F ond zur Förderung der wissenschaftliche n Forschung (FWF)”, Austri a,
(project number: P09818)
1 Introduction
Cyclic CSG graphs are a memory safe representation of recursive objects, which are defined by
parallel rewriting systems. They are an extention to conventional CSG trees and thus can directly be
used for ray tracing. CSG graphs emerge from CSG-PL-Systems, which are an adaption of the well
known Parametric Lindenmayer-Systems (briefly PL-Systems). The main difference between PL-
Systems, which are fully described in [LIND90], and CSG-PL-Systems are their formal languages.
While the derived strings of the first are command sequences for a virtual construction tool called
turtle, the derived strings of the last are a subset of the infinite set of all valid CSG expressions.
Instead of running a derivation process and building up a large CSG tree out of the resulting string,
the rules of the grammar are directly transformed into a cyclic CSG-graph, which is traversed by the
rays to visualize the object.
For that purpose, we extended the CSG concept to three new nodes. Selection nodes, briefly S-
nodes, join all the rules for one grammar symbol and are associated with a selection function. This
function controls the flow by selecting a proper rule and passing the rays to it. The rules themselves
are translated into CSG trees and attached as successors to the S-Node. For each occurrence of a
grammar symbol in the right hand side of a rule an edge is spanned to the corresponding S-node.
This yields to a graph with cycles, wherby S-nodes are the only targets of cyclic edges.
Like with conventional CSG trees, the rays are mapped from the world coordinate frame into the
object coordinate frame, because this is much more efficient than mapping the primitive objects. In
CSG graphs this is done by special nodes, called Transformation nodes or briefly T-nodes. They can
be seen as unary operators and thus have only one successor. The same is true for Calculation
nodes, briefly C-nodes, which evaluate a finite set of arithmetic expressions to modify global
parameters. Their values effect flow control, i.e. the selection of rules, and transformations. All
other nodes, i.e. CSG operators and primitive objects are handled as in CSG trees. The CSG graphs
introduced so far are as compact as the describing data set. An explicit representation of the scene
(like with CSG trees) is avoided and therefore no restrictions of the complexity of the scene or the
approximation accuracy of objects must be considerated. A related method was introduced in
[KAJI83] for the ray tracing of fractal terrains and in [HART91] for the ray tracing of objects
defined by Iterated Function Systems (IFS). Fig.1.1a shows a CSG-PL-System, that generates a
simple sympodial branching structure and Fig.1.1b the corresponding CSG graph. A full description
of this approach we gave in [GERV95].
Initialization of the parameters
{ cnt = 8; // order of the branching structure
trunk = 2, // number of t runk segments (cycl es of rule with index 2)
fTR = 0.96; // scaling factor for trunk segments
gamma = -72.0; // divergence angle
alpha1= -60.0; // branching angles
alpha2 = 20.0;
fBR1 = 0.73; // scaling factors for left and right branches
fBR2 = 0.67;
noleaves = 3; // if cnt is less than noleaves the limbs bear leaves
segments = 2; // number of segments for a limb with leaves
fxSG = 1/7; // scaling factors for segment cylinders
fySG = 1/7;
dSG = 1/segments; // height of a segment cylinder
fLV = 0.6; // scaling factor for leaves
} TR // the start node
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