Spitfire: A Three-Tier Buffer Manager for Volatile and Non-Volatile Memory
Spitfire: A Three-Tier Buer Manager for Volatile and
Non-Volatile Memory(Preview Version)
Xinjing Zhou
Tencent Inc.
Joy Arulraj
Georgia Institute of Technology
Andrew Pavlo
Carnegie Mellon University
David Cohen
The design of the buer manager in database management sys-
tems (DBMSs) is inuenced by the performance characteristics of
volatile memory (i.e., DRAM) and non-volatile storage (e.g., SSD).
The key design assumptions have been that the data must be mi-
grated to DRAM for the DBMS to operate on it and that storage
is orders of magnitude slower than DRAM. But the arrival of new
non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies that are nearly as fast as
DRAM invalidates these previous assumptions.
Researchers have recently designed Hymem, a novel buer man-
ager for a three-tier storage hierarchy comprising of DRAM, NVM,
and SSD. Hymem supports cache-line-grained loading and an NVM-
aware data migration policy. While these optimizations improve
its throughput, Hymem suers from two limitations. First, it is a
single-threaded buer manager. Second, it is evaluated on an NVM
emulation platform. These limitations constrain the utility of the
insights obtained using Hymem.
In this paper, we present Spitfire, a multi-threaded, three-tier
buer manager that is evaluated on Optane Persistent Memory
Modules, an NVM technology that is now being shipped by Intel.
We introduce a general framework for reasoning about data migra-
tion in a multi-tier storage hierarchy. We illustrate the limitations
of the optimizations used in Hymem on Optane and then discuss
how Spitfire circumvents them. We demonstrate that the data
migration policy has to be tailored based on the characteristics of
the devices and the workload. Given this, we present a machine
learning technique for automatically adapting the policy for an
arbitrary workload and storage hierarchy. Our experiments show
that Spitfire works well across dierent workloads and storage
hierarchies. We present a set of guidelines for picking the storage
hierarchy and migration policy based on the workload.
1 Introduction
The techniques for buer management in a canonical DRAM-SSD
hierarchy are predicated on the assumptions that: (1) the data must
be copied from SSD to DRAM for the DBMS to operate on it, and
that (2) storage is orders of magnitude slower than DRAM [
But emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies upend
these design assumptions. They support low latency reads and
writes similar to DRAM, but with persistent writes and large storage
capacity like an SSD. In a DRAM-SSD hierarchy, the buer manager
decides what pages to move between disk and memory and when
to move them. However, with a DRAM-NVM-SSD hierarchy, in
addition to these decisions, it must also decide where to move them
(i.e., which storage tier).
Prior Work.
Recently, researchers have designed Hymem, a novel
three-tier buer manager for a DRAM-NVM-SSD hierarchy [
Hymem employs a set of optimizations tailored for NVM. It adopts a
data migration policy consisting of four decisions: DRAM admission,
DRAM eviction, NVM admission, and NVM eviction.
Initially, a
newly-allocated 16 KB page resides on SSD. When a transaction
requests that page, Hymem eagerly admits the entire page to DRAM.
DRAM eviction is the next decision that it takes to reclaim space.
It uses the CLOCK algorithm for picking the victim page [
Next, it must decide whether that page must be admitted to the
NVM buer (if it is not already present in that buer). Hymem seeks
to identify warm pages. It maintains a queue of recently considered
pages to make the NVM admission decision. It admits pages that
were recently denied admission. Each time a page is considered for
admission, Hymem checks whether the page is in the admission
queue. If so, it is removed from the queue and admitted into the
NVM buer. Otherwise, it is added to the queue and directly moved
to SSD, thereby bypassing the NVM buer.
Lastly, it uses the
CLOCK algorithm for evicting a page from the NVM buer.
Hymem supports cache-line-grained loading to improve the uti-
lization of NVM bandwidth. Unlike SSD, NVM supports low-latency
access to 256 B blocks. Hymem uses cache line-grained loading to
extract only the hot data objects from an otherwise cold 16 KB page.
By only loading those cache lines that are needed, Hymem lowers
its bandwidth consumption.
Hymem supports a mini page layout for reducing the DRAM
footprint of cache-line-grained pages. This layout allows it to e-
ciently keep track of which cachelines are loaded. When the mini
page overows (i.e., all sixteen cache lines are loaded), Hymem
transparently promotes it to a full page.
These optimizations enable Hymem to work well
across dierent workloads on a DRAM-NVM-SSD storage hierarchy.
However, it suers from two limitations. First, it is a single-threaded
buer manager. Second, it is evaluated on an NVM emulation plat-
form. These limitations constrain the utility of the insights obtained
using Hymem (§6.5). In particular, the data migration policy em-
ployed in Hymem is not the optimal one for certain workloads. We
show that the cache line-grained loading and mini-page optimiza-
tions must be tailored for a real NVM device. We also illustrate
that the choice of the data migration policy is signicantly more
important than these auxiliary optimizations.
Xinjing Zhou, Joy Arulraj, Andrew Pavlo, and David Cohen
Idle Sequential Read Latency 75 ns 170 ns 10 µs
Idle Random Read Latency 80 ns 320 ns 12 µs
Bandwidth (6 DRAM and 6 NVM modules)
Sequential Read 180 GB/s 91.2 GB/s 2.6 GB/s
Random Read 180 GB/s 28.8 GB/s 2.4 GB/s
Sequential Write 180 GB/s 27.6 GB/s 2.4 GB/s
Random Write 180 GB/s 6 GB/s 2.3 GB/s
Other Key Attributes
Price ($/GB) 10 4.5 2.8
Addressability Byte Byte Block
Media Access Granularity 64 B 256 B 16 KB
Persistent No Yes Yes
Endurance (cycles) 10
Table 1: Device Characteristics
Comparison of key characteristics of
DRAM, NVM (Optane DC PMMs), and SSD (Optane DC P4800X).
Our Approach.
In this paper, we present Spitfire, a multi-threaded,
three-tier buer manager that is evaluated on Optane Data Center
(DC) Persistent Memory Modules (PMMs), an NVM technology that
is being shipped by Intel [
]. As summarized in Table 1, Optane
DC PMMs bridges the performance and cost dierentials between
DRAM and an enterprise-grade SSD [
]. Unlike SSD, it delivers
higher bandwidth and lower latency to CPUs. Unlike DRAM, it
supports persistent writes and large storage capacity.
We begin by introducing a taxonomy for data migration policies
that subsumes the specic policies employed in previous three-
tier buer managers [
]. Since the CPU is capable of directly
operating on NVM-resident data, Spitfire does not eagerly move
data from NVM to DRAM. We show that lazy data migration from
NVM to DRAM ensures that only hot data is promoted to DRAM.
An optimal migration policy maximizes the utility of movement
of data between dierent devices in the storage hierarchy. We
empirically demonstrate that the policy must be tailored based on
the characteristics of the devices and the workload. Given this, we
present a machine learning technique for automatically adapting
the policy for an arbitrary workload and storage hierarchy. This
adaptive data migration scheme eliminates the need for manual
tuning of the policy.
Contributions. We make the following contributions:
We introduce a taxonomy for reasoning about data migration
in a multi-tier storage hierarchy (§3).
We introduce an adaptation mechanism that converges to a
near-optimal policy for an arbitrary workload and storage
hierarchy without requiring any manual tuning (§4).
We implement our techniques in Spitfire, a multi-threaded,
three-tier buer manager (§5).
We evaluate Spitfire on Optane DC PMMs and demonstrate
that it works well across diverse workloads and storage hier-
archies (§6).
We present a set of guidelines for choosing the storage hierar-
chy and migration policy based on workload (§6.6, §6.7).
We demonstrate that an NVM-SSD hierarchy works well on
write-intensive workloads (§6.6).
Database Write-Ahead Log
Buffer Pool
Buffer Pool
page (NVM-backed)
Entire page
3 4
DRAM Admission
DRAM Eviction 10
NVM Admission
CPU Cache
2 9
NVM Eviction
CPU Cache
Figure 1: Data Migration Policy in Hymem
– The four critical decisions
in the data migration policy adopted by Hymem.
2 Background
We rst provide an overview of the NVM-aware optimizations
adopted by Hymem in §2.1. We then discuss how Spitfire makes
use of Optane DC PMMs in §2.2.
2.1 NVM-aware Optimizations in Hymem
The traditional approaches for buer management in DBMSs are
incompatible with the advent of byte-addressable NVM. The rea-
sons for this are twofold. First, to process SSD-resident data, the
buer manager must copy it to DRAM before the DBMS can per-
form any operations. In contrast, the CPU can directly operate on
NVM-resident data (256 B blocks) [
]. Second, NVM bridges the
performance gap between DRAM and SSD. Given these observa-
tions, researchers have designed Hymem, a novel buer manager
for a DRAM-NVM-SSD hierarchy [
]. The key NVM-centric opti-
mizations in Hymem include:
Data Migration Policy.
Figure 1 presents the data ow paths in
the multi-tier storage hierarchy. NVM introduces new data ow
paths in the storage hierarchy (
). By leveraging
these additional paths, Hymem reduces data movement between
dierent tiers and minimizes the number of writes to NVM. The for-
mer results in improving the DBMS’s performance, while the latter
extends the lifetime of NVM devices with limited write-endurance.
The default read path comprises of three steps: moving data from
SSD to NVM (
), then to DRAM (
), and lastly to the CPU cache
). Similarly, the default write path consists of three steps: moving
data from processor cache to DRAM (
), then to NVM (
), and
nally to SSD ().
As we discussed in §1, the four critical decisions in the data
migration policy adopted by Hymem include: DRAM admission,
DRAM eviction, NVM admission, and NVM eviction. When a trans-
action requests a page, Hymem checks if the page is in the DRAM
buer. If it is not present in the DRAM buer, it checks if the page
is present in the NVM buer or not. In the former case, it directly
accesses the page residing on NVM (
). In the latter case, it eagerly
admits the entire page residing on SSD into the DRAM buer (
). It
does not leverage the path from SSD to NVM (
). DRAM eviction
is the second decision that Hymem takes to reclaim space. It must
decide whether that page must be admitted to the NVM buer. Each
time a page is considered for admission, Hymem checks whether
the page is in the admission queue. If so, it is removed from the
of 14


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