set lines 200 pages 200
break on t_name
col t_name for a32
col i_name for a24
col c_name for a24
col c_type for a8
col last_ana for a10
col t_blk for a7
col t_row for a7
col C_NDV for a7
col C_NUL for a7
col I_BLK for a7
col I_NDV for a7
col pos for 999
with table_list as
(select /*+ materialize */ OWNER table_owner, table_name
from dba_tables
where table_name = upper(trim('&tname'))
and nvl('&owner',owner) = owner
),t as (select /*+ materialize */ owner,t.table_name,num_rows,last_analyzed ,blocks
from dba_tables t, table_list p
where t.owner = p.table_owner and t.table_name = p.table_name
) ,
ic as (select /*+ materialize */ ic.table_owner,ic.table_name,column_name,index_owner,index_name,column_position
from dba_ind_columns ic, table_list p
where ic.table_owner = p.table_owner and ic.table_name = p.table_name
) ,
tc as (select /*+ materialize */table_owner,tc.table_name,column_name,num_distinct,num_nulls,substr(DATA_TYPE,1,8) data_type,tc.density
from dba_tab_columns tc, table_list p
where tc.owner = p.table_owner and tc.table_name = p.table_name
union all
select ic.table_owner,ic.table_name,ic.column_name,ic2.num_distinct,ic2.num_nulls,'FUNCTION' ,ic2.density
from ic,dba_tab_col_statistics ic2
where ic.column_name like 'SYS_NC%'
and ic.table_name = ic2.table_name(+)
and ic.table_owner = ic2.owner(+)
and ic.column_name = ic2.column_name(+)
) ,
i as (select /*+ materialize */i.table_owner,i.table_name,index_name,owner,distinct_keys,leaf_blocks
from dba_indexes i, table_list p
where i.table_owner = p.table_owner and i.table_name = p.table_name
select /*+ordered use_hash(t tc)*/
t.owner||'.'||t.table_name t_name,
trim(to_char(t.blocks,case when t.blocks<1e4 then '9,999' else '9.9EEEE' end)) t_blk,
trim(to_char(t.num_rows,case when t.num_rows<1e4 then '9,999' else '9.9EEEE' end)) t_row,
i.index_name i_name ,
trim(to_char(i.leaf_blocks,case when i.leaf_blocks<1e4 then '9,999' else '9.9EEEE' end)) I_BLK,
trim(to_char(i.distinct_keys,case when i.distinct_keys<1e4 then '9,999' else '9.9EEEE' end)) I_NDV,
ic.column_position pos,
tc.column_name c_name ,
tc.data_type c_type,
trim(to_char(tc.num_distinct,case when tc.num_distinct<1e4 then '9,999' else '9.9EEEE' end)) C_NDV,
trim(to_char(tc.num_NULLS,case when tc.num_NULLS<1e4 then '9,999' else '9.9EEEE' end)) C_NUL,
trim(to_char(tc.density,case when tc.density>1e-3 then '0.999' else '9.9EEEE' end)) C_SEL,
trim(to_char(t.last_analyzed,'YYYYMMDD')) as last_ANA
from t , tc , ic, i
where tc.table_owner = t.owner and tc.table_name = t.table_name
and ic.table_owner(+) = tc.table_owner and ic.table_name(+) = tc.table_name and ic.column_name(+)=tc.column_name
and i.table_owner(+) = ic.table_owner and i.table_name(+) = ic.table_name and i.index_name(+)=ic.index_name
order by t.owner,t.table_name,i.index_name,column_position,num_distinct desc