© 2013-2017 Hewlett-Packard Enterprise.
Satoshi Nagayasu (Uptime Technologies, LLC.) and Ryota Watabe (CO-Sol Inc.) gave me reviews
of this document before publishing its first edition. I received reviews from Akiko Takeshima, Tomoo
Takahashi, and Takahiro Kitayama in Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Japan, Technology Consulting
department. I really appreciated their support.
For updated edition, I received opinions from Satoshi, Ryota, Tomoo, Takahiro, and Akiko again. I
received a review from Tomoo, Takahiro, and Akiko for this third edition. To create the English
version, there was a devoted support from my family.
I would like to thank to everyone who develop open source software. I hope that this document will
be useful for engineers who use PostgreSQL.
16 July 2014 1
Edition (for PostgreSQL 9.3)
16 March 2015 2
Edition (for PostgreSQL 9.4)
11 February 2017 3
Edition (for PostgreSQL 9.6)
Noriyoshi Shinoda
Noriyoshi Shinoda
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Japan Co, Ltd
1990-2000 Digital Equipment Corporation Japan / Compaq Computer Japan
2000-Current Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Japan
10 years Software Development by C, C++, Java™ , Java Script, Perl, Visual C++®,
Visual Basic® and PHP on UNIX and Microsoft Windows environment
16 years consultant of data-store for PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server,
Sybase ASE, JBoss Data Virtualization and HPE Vertica
Wrote 15 books about Oracle Database administration and application development
Oracle ACE
Oracle Certified Master
Mail: noriyoshi.shinoda@hpe.com